Moving to a New Website

In order to better serve you and create a more interactive, robust forum for sharing thoughts, ideas, recipes, pictures, and videos, Journey to the Best in Me is moving to Please continue your health journey with us there and sign up to receive notice of new posts by email. Thank you for journeying with us.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Help Wanted. Moving Day is Here.

I've decided it's time! It is definitely time.

You've been journeying with me for almost a year and it is getting harder and harder to find the recipes, testimonies, inspirations that you remember reading three, six or nine months ago. 

In an attempt to create a more usable website, I have moved to my new site, Young Living With Susie.
Moving over 250 blog posts to a new website is a big job, so for the next month or two, my goal is to keep moving posts over so they will all be in one place. Until then, you can still find posts and comments on Journey To The Best In Me.

Unfortunately, I am not able to move all the comments that I value so highly, so I am asking you to start leaving comments on the new site. I think the  comment function is much easier to use, but you'll have to let me know what you think.  Please share this site with your friends so more people will have resources at their fingertips.

I would love to know what you think of the new site. How could it be more helpful to you? What would you like to see more of? Would you appreciate "how to" videos, step by step instructions, more information on a certain topic?

Thank you for reading, commenting and supporting me. It has been a great year and I am looking forward to sharing this journey with you for many more!

Saturday, July 5, 2014

The Next Good Step

An old Chinese proverb says, "The journey of a thousands miles begins with a single step."  What destination do you want to reach, but the path to get there seems overwhelming?

When I realize I need to make a change, improve a relationship or get healthier, looking down the path into the future can seem overwhelming.  At these times, it's important for me to remember that I need only set my course and take the first step in that direction.  The first step can then be followed by a second, then a third.  If done consistently, regardless of how small the action may be, the results in time will compound.  Consistency is so much more important than huge, seemingly heroic steps that are not sustainable. 

Another way to remove a bad habit from our lives is to hammer in a good habit.  Instead of focusing on the chocolate cake that you don't want to eat, try focusing on adding something you would enjoy that is healthy to your diet?  Instead of starting the day with coffee and a donut, start the day with a green smoothie using your favorite fruits. 

Sometimes we focus too much on the future and we miss the beauty of today, the victory in the little choices, the joy in the journey.  We get tunnel vision and are consumed by the change we want to see without celebrating the small victories along the way. I know this can be my struggle.

So what journey do you want to begin and what first, sustainable step could you take?  Feel free to share here what you'd like to do in the comment section below.  There is something very powerful about saying our goals out loud.  Then share your success with us so we can be inspired to take our own first good step.

Friday, July 4, 2014

Grateful for Freedom

On this fourth of July, I am so grateful to be living in a country where those who have come before me have had the vision, the bravery and the faith to fight for democracy and freedom.

I know our country is not perfect, but it is still a land of great people. Everywhere I travel, I meet the nicest, most generous people and I am still proud to be an American.

In my limited opportunities to travel, I am amazed by the beauty and diversity throughout our country, from the mountains, to the prairies, to the oceans white with foam... and I am still proud to be an American.

As I share freely my faith, natural healing and build a home business, I am reminded of all those around the world who don't have these freedoms, and I am proud to be in America.

We can spend a lot time being negative, complaining and criticizing our leaders and country, or we can take the time to be grateful and to continue to fight for what is right and for our freedoms. On this fourth of July, I hope you too are proud of America and all the opportunities that are available to us.