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Sunday, October 6, 2013

Missionaries of Hope

My oldest son and his wife are missionaries with an organization called Family Missions Company (FMC). They currently work state side and take short term mission trips leading church, youth and college groups into Mexico or Ecuador for a week or two. Next weekend they are hosting a missionary conference called Proclaim in Louisiana and I will be there to help with my grandsons and watch them in action. The missionaries that serve FMC are people of faith, service, generosity, warmth and genuine compassion. They bring hope, resources and God's love to many people, in many different countries. They challenge me to go outside of myself to think about the needs of others.

Over the past several months, I have felt God calling me to be a specialized missionary. I feel a passion growing within me to let people know that God loves them and that He has provided healing for them. He has given us incredible agents of healing and nourishment in his plants and nature, whether it be in the form of food or essential oils. I believe He wants us to experience His love and care in this very practical way of caring for our bodies.

How many people believe that God does not care because they are sick and do not experience God answering their prayers for healing? How many people lack information or have never heard that plants have healing properties, that the chemicals in foods, personal care products, the environment effect our health negatively, that whole foods have the vitamins, minerals and enzymes we need for better health?

I believe that we have been distracted by the media, food industry, pharmaceutical companies and have not explored carefully what we are putting into or onto our bodies. We have been marketed to in ways that are genius, with messages that trigger our emotions and make us believe we really need a product to be happy, healthy or satisfied. We have been detoured into sustaining the trillion dollar food and pharmaceutical industries without determining what is really best for our health.

Deep within me I feel a fire burning to let everyone know that God has given us so many valuable, natural resources that we can return to. Plants were given to us in the Garden of Eden and are effective, safe and heal on a physical and emotional level.

As we experience greater healing, we will have more energy, clarity and frankly, be less self-centered, as our pain fades into the past and we can think about something besides our own poor health.

Missionaries are needed to share God's love in foreign lands, in inner cities, in our neighborhoods and in our families. May we each have the courage to step outside our comfort zone to share what we've been given - health, financial blessings, food, knowledge, time and talents, faith. The world needs us!

Check out the FMC Proclaim conference and learn more about the ministry of FMC at

1 comment:

  1. Have fun with your boys. Keep me updated on what you teach Your daughter in law's teams abut.


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