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Thursday, December 19, 2013

The Gift of a Blanket

Lights, decorations, wrapping gifts, Christmas parties, carolers, stocking stuffers, getting the right gift, mailing packages in time for Christmas, checking the bank account and credit card balances...

This time of year can become a swirling blur of activity, spending and, well, self preoccupation. I can be so focused on all that is expected of me, by family and co-workers, my Church groups and friends, that I can become distracted from real needs.

Do I really need more clothes?  Do my children really need more toys? Do I really need to have 10 dozen cookies around my house and feast daily on rich foods and drink? I am not saying that these things are wrong, but do they cause me to forget?

Forget... that there are people around the world who do not have the basic necessities. About those who are living through the aftermath of a natural disaster. About the neighbor who is home bound and has no real family left to visit her.

My heart can become so consumed with stuff, that I forget. I jump in my hot shower after sleeping in a warm bed and never give it a second thought. For some reason, this year I am more conscious than ever of those who sleep in cardboard houses, who drink contaminated water or who don't know where their next meal will come from. I want to do something to help. I want to trade in some of my stuff, so that they can have something, however small to make their lives better.

I decided to buy a blanket.  It's not much.  I wish it could be more this year, but it's a start. My son and his family are missionaries with Family Missions Company. Through their website, I was able to buy a blanket for someone in Mexico who might be living without heat.  I donated it as a birthday gift to my son this week. You could call it forced generosity. He was really blessed by this gift, but so was I.  It lit a fire in me to do more.

What would happen if, on Christmas morning, your children or family members opened a gift to discover that you had given a blanket, a care package or food for a family in their name? They might initially be a bit stunned, even disappointed, but it could create good conversation and an awareness of those who are not celebrating Christmas as we are. It could generate a bit more gratitude for what we do have and for what they did get.

There are lots of organizations that can help you buy a gift for someone in need. If you are not sure where to find one, check out Family Missions Company's offerings. Gifts range from $10 to $100.

Please share with us what you do to stay focused on the needs of those less fortunate. Maybe you have an idea that will bless others, literally.

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