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Thursday, August 29, 2013

Raw Chocolate

I confess.  I am a chocolate lover.  In my search for healthier options, I have learned about raw cacao and find that I have really become very fond of this little bean. 

I first became acquainted with the value of raw cacao while watching Food Matters, a great movie that explains the importance of healing ourselves with food, vitamins and other natural supplements.
David Wolfe, a health and wellness guru, was talking about the high mineral, vitamin content of cacao.  I was thrilled to hear that my favorite flavor was something I could enjoy, in its raw form of course.

Here is a bit about David and cacao:  "David Wolfe is a  passionate proponent of the healing and beautifying power of raw chocolate (cacao beans)... Just ask David - he won’t be shy to tell you why chocolate is the greatest, most prosperous, nutritious, mood-elevating, highest energizing, and top weight loss aphrodisiac food on the planet!"

Just a few of the benefits of raw cacao:  cacao has some of the highest levels of iron, magnesium, manganese, vitamin C,  and other nutrients.  It has high antioxidant properties and is a natural anti-inflammatory agent.   Interestingly, a typical sample of cacao nibs or beans is low in caffeine and will yield anywhere from zero to 1,000 parts per million of caffeine (less than 1/20th of the caffeine present in conventional coffee.)

I have used cacao powder and nibs (small broken pieces of bean) in my oatmeal, smoothies, homemade trail mix, raw ice cream and just about anywhere I could "tastefully" squeeze it in.

Here is my recipe for my "Oatmeal Sunday":
Make a batch of Steel Cut Oats
Add cinnamon powder, unsweetened coconut flakes, raw cacao nibs, chopped nuts (your choice), a bit of almond or coconut milk and a tablespoon or less of blue agave nectar.  I sometimes add in some blueberries, peach pieces, banana chunks or raisins.  Oh, so delicious!

So, how do you use cacao?  Do you have a recipe you could share?


  1. I really enjoyed reading this blog. In particular when I make my morning protein/fruit/veggie smoothie in the morning I add raw cacao and it adds a great little taste. I especially like it with my banana smoothie, it reminds me of a covered chocolate banana. Susie, thank you for beginning this blog, you are a great writer and have lots of wisdom to impart on your journey.

  2. Thanks for sharing, Judy. I agree that banana and cacao is quite a treat! I will sometimes add Young Living's Power Meal (a rice based protein meal replacement) to add a bit more substance. Comically, I drank this today! I must have had cacao on the mind.


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