Moving to a New Website

In order to better serve you and create a more interactive, robust forum for sharing thoughts, ideas, recipes, pictures, and videos, Journey to the Best in Me is moving to Please continue your health journey with us there and sign up to receive notice of new posts by email. Thank you for journeying with us.

Friday, August 30, 2013

Unexpected inspiration

Sometimes we find inspiration in unusual places.  In the women's restroom at work, there is a plaque with a short prayer that seems to dovetail perfectly with where I find myself right now.  I have decided to leave my full-time job to focus my time and energy on sharing health and wellness inspiration, information and resources with others.  I am passionate about natural healing, as I am sure you have figured out by now.  I plan to share Young Living's essential oils and supplements, which I use many times each day, so others can experience the same benefits that I, and thousands of others, have been blessed to experience.  I plan to share nutritional healing tips, recipes and to challenge others to take the next good step.  I will encourage those God sends my way to "be transformed by the renewal of your mind" by helping them see how their mindset and emotions may be contributing to their inability to experience success when it comes to their health and energy.  God wants us to be healthy, whole and to enjoy life to the full, not limp through life crippled by our poor health.  He has given us a garden of healing at our finger tips!  I am excited to be able to share this garden with others.

The prayer at work reads:

"May the focus of my day
be on life's priorities -
Love God, Family and Friends,
take care of my health
and be the best I can be in all I do."
How can I help you take the next good step?  Can I share a bit of what I have been learning with you? 
If you are passionate about natural healing, why not join me in spreading hope, healing, encouragement and natural healing agents with the world (or as much of it as we can get to!)?  I am one person.  Together we can have a greater impact.

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