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Friday, June 6, 2014

A Few Favorite Things

I have the desire to share my gratitude list today. When life gets stressful, busy or we bump into a wall, it is always a blessing to stop and ... be thankful for the flowers (you can smell them too).

So here are a few of my favorite things.

For sunshine and warm days and puffy clouds filling the sky
For flowers of all colors and birds darting among the trees in full song
For my three children coming into to town for a wedding and spending four or more days
For two grandsons who are cute as a button, full of energy and curiosity

For my Young Living business which is rewarding, life giving and exciting
For my Young Living team - warm, generous, and fun loving
For the upcoming 20th anniversary Young Living convention in Utah
For the essential oils which bless me everyday - Valor, Joy, Lavender, Peppermint, Humility, and so many more.

For God's garden, for my balcony garden, for organic farmers
For those who fight for changes to abuses, misinformation and exploitation
For inspirational speakers and teachers and many chances for personal development

For God and His unfailing love and faithfulness
For His continual presence, blessings, and grace
For the example of holy people and saints

I could go on and on. Gratitude lifts the heart, puts us into a positive mindset and transforms gloom and doom in minutes. It helps us see reality. There will always be good and bad in the world, but focusing on the positive helps propel us to greater heights and makes us happier people.

So what are you grateful for today? Help me create a litany of gratitude.

1 comment:

  1. I'm grateful for my wonderful family, this blog and a God that has given us so many things to be grateful for!


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