Moving to a New Website

In order to better serve you and create a more interactive, robust forum for sharing thoughts, ideas, recipes, pictures, and videos, Journey to the Best in Me is moving to Please continue your health journey with us there and sign up to receive notice of new posts by email. Thank you for journeying with us.

Friday, June 13, 2014

To Serve You Better

Today is Friday, and your day to share your thoughts and successes (or struggles). You can also ask a question, share a resource or tell us what you've been learning.

I have been learning a lot and my head is spinning as I prepare to upgrade my blog to make it more searchable and more user friendly. That's all I can tell you for now, so stay tuned...


  1. I can't wait to see what the renovations will look like. I will pray that a nice web expert comes your way to help out!

  2. Looks good already Susan. Good job!

  3. Susie, I like you new web site so far.....


    1. I did make adjustments to this blog, but my new website will have a new name. Can't tell you what it is yet, but it should be ready soon. Stay tuned...


I love to hear from my readers and learn from you too. Thanks for taking the time to share.