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Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Harnessing Natural Energy...from Toddlers

There is a lot of talk these days about using alternative energy
sources, wind, solar panels, green fuel and more. Has anyone thought about creating a device that could harness the incredible power and energy of a toddler?

Seriously, have you tried to keep up with a two year old lately? Every limb is moving at all times. They can run faster (when you aren't looking, of course) than a speeding bullet, are stronger than gorilla glue when they don't want to let go of something they want, and are able to leap high furniture in a single bound. Add an 8 month old to the mix and your home will look like a tornado came through in only 15 minutes.

Of course, I would not trade time with my grandsons for anything in the world. But as they leave to drive home, I wish I could have harnessed some of their energy. While we're at it, lets also harness their enthusiasm, joy and curiosity. Children can teach us so much about enjoying life.

As the time of festivities and family feasting comes to a close, I know that I am ready to regroup and return to the choices I have been making that have contributed to my feeling great, having energy and staying at my best weight. It is so easy to compromise a little here, a little there, until I find myself eating more meat, more flour, more sugar and then I just don't like how I feel.

I know that it is a challenge to stop eating these foods because they create addictions in my body, so it is going to be important to me to take some key steps to get back on track.

  • First, I find it helpful to listen to inspiring audio talks that will remind me why a whole food life style is so worthwhile.  
  • Second, I need to engage my "Why Power" and remember why I want to be healthy. What will I do when I am healthy?
  • Third, I can choose to detox by drinking a green smoothie every morning, getting the junk food out of my house, and drinking lots of water. 
  • Fourth, I can make it a priority to get enough sleep, since we've been visiting late into the night. When I am tired I tend to make poorer food choices.
Summer is a season of vacations, family gatherings, weddings, picnics and lots of opportunities to get sidetracked from healthy choices. The more side tracked we get, the harder it is to reach the vibrant health that we desire. The important thing is to have a plan for getting back on track so you can continue in the direction that you believe is best for you.

Do you have a plan for regrouping? What is one of your favorite ways to get yourself back on track?


  1. I agree with you about 2 year olds. I've never been able to figure out why they have all the energy when they don't need it and we do!
    I think the hardest thing to do is get back on track once off. And what I really can't understand is why is it harder to eat good healthy food than the bad stuff that really doesn't taste that good and leaves us with energy ups and downs. Maybe just cuz it's easier I don't know but I have a much harder time overeating peaches (which I love) than wedding cake (which I also love)!

    1. Cynthia, you make a great point about overeating sweets and I think it is partially because sweets override our "shut off" triggers. Maybe I'll blog about this in the future, but peaches and healthy options don't give us cravings that are unnaturally created, as do processed foods. The more processed, refined foods I eat, the more my body has cravings for them. Food is meant to nourish, not control us. So natural foods are also about freedom of choice. Thanks for sharing your reflections on many posts.

  2. Thanks for sharing your tips on making a fresh start. Your tip on getting enough sleep is especially helpful for me to remember. I notice that after a weekend of celebrating, I have gotten off track and am back to staying up late. This means I miss my morning walk and smoothie and then make poorer choices all day. So, I will begin resetting my good habits tomorrow!


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