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Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Fear is a Dream Killer

"Your best life lives on the other end of your fear."

This is the quote that inspired the start of our second full day at the Young Living Grand convention. It was spoken by a 25 year old young man who has been sharing Young Living passionately and has built a huge organization in just a few short years. If he is able to create a home business with a 6 figure annual income, than anyone can.

Many distributors are earning substantial commission checks and living out their dreams of independence, freedom, flexibility, charitable giving, all the while transform our culture from one of dependence on drugs and doctors, to one of personal responsibility and natural options. What often stops me from taking these same steps is the fear of failing, being misunderstood or being challenged to change. Tackling that fear can be the start of many rewarding experiences.

Another young woman shared her story of moving from simply buying the oils to a Royal Crown Diamond (Young Living's highest rank) with a huge team - in just one year. She shared that her focus is on others, helping them experience healing, financial freedom and success. Of course, it is not a hobby, but a business with daily goals and actions.

"If you work a home business like it is a hobby, you will get paid like a hobby. If you treat it like a business, you'll be paid like a business."

Today's discussions and workshops continued to unpack the many uses of essential oils for trauma, autism, emotional release, PTSD, brain issues, pain, and other health challenges. So much information was shared that I will have to organize it and share it in future blogs.

Young Living created a Product Expo where we could smell, try, drink and use many of the products and learn more about them. This area was set up to look like a small village street with store fronts and was very cute.

Throughout the day, several themes emerged for me.

  1. My path in life should be determined by my gifts, talents and passion. What is my dream? Why do I do what I do? I want to follow the plan God put has put on my heart.
  2. My dreams need to be followed by hard work and consistency.
  3. Many people's lives have been dramatically improved because they learned about Young Living. The world is full of pain, suffering and sickness, and I have something that just might help them. I can't let fear and selfishness stop me from offering them information that might make a difference in their lives.
Great people, inspiring information, and challenging discussions made this a very rewarding day.

To see more photos of new products and all the happenings, visit my new website,, which is still in progress. As my faithful readers, I'd love your feedback as I pull this together or a wider audience.

1 comment:

  1. You go girl. I know that the things you have shared with me have made a difference. It may have taken a while for things to sink in and for me to start thinking about what I was eating, cleaning my house with, taking medicinally, etc. but eventually I did. Don't lose heart if some of us don't get excited about what you have to share right away. We all take baby steps along the different paths God has for us. I am glad the conference is going well. I look forward to reading future posts as you share what you've learned.


I love to hear from my readers and learn from you too. Thanks for taking the time to share.