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Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Microwave Oven - Blessing or Curse?

Microwaves are found in 90% of all American homes. But did you know they were banned in 1976 in Russia after much research was conducted. While the ban has since been lifted, the concerns and research were never refuted.  As I have learned more about what happens to the food that is heated in the microwave, I have personally chosen not to use one and to avoid their use on my food whenever possible. This may sound extreme.  After all, the FDA would not allow ... remember, this same FDA is allowing harmful toxins and chemicals in our food, our personal care products or our cleaners. The FDA is about labeling products properly, so consumers can decide for themselves, not keeping all dangers out of the market.

Microwaves heat food by causing water molecules in it to resonate at very high frequencies and eventually turn to steam which heats your food. While this can rapidly heat your food, what most people fail to realize is that it also causes a change in your food's chemical structure.  Microwaves deplete the nutrients in our foods, killing enzymes, vitamins and minerals.  Some believe that what remains is virtually unrecognizable by the body and worse than useless.  

Besides uneven heating, which causes hotspots that can cause serious burns, foods that are microwaved continue to "heat" or resonate even after being removed from the microwave and appear to be cooling.  A friend of mine has scars in her throat from burns which the doctor attributes to her regular use of the microwave and eating food that is still molecularly "hot". He stated that this condition was not uncommon.  
Another problem with microwave ovens is that heating in plastic and paper can cause carcinogenic toxins to leach out into your food. Also, microwaving distorts and deforms the molecules of whatever food or other substance you subject to it. It is then not recognizable to the body or other living thing.  
Two examples of microwave disasters:  1) In 1991, there was a woman who needed a blood transfusion and the blood that was to be used was not warm enough so someone warmed it in a microwave.  The woman died from receiving this blood transfusion.  If the body could no longer use this blood, how does the body view microwaved food? 2) Plant studies were conducted in which water that was microwaved was used on plants for nine days.  The plants receiving purified water were thriving while the plants that received the microwaved water were dead.  So, if you think, "I'm just heating water, not cooking food...", you may want to rethink this.
There are so many examples and research articles on the internet, that I don't want to repeat all the research here, but I encourage you to do you own research and make wise choices for  your health. Dr. Mercola has collected a good bit of research on microwaves.

Do you want to be healthier?  Do you want to get the most nutrition and enzymes from your food?  Is the benefit in time savings really so significant that it is worth losing the health benefits of the food being heated?  What foods are you heating in the microwave?  Freezer meals that have been heated, frozen, then reheated really have no nutritional value left.  It takes only a few minutes to heat water, soup, or reheat leftovers on the stove or in the oven.

Think fresh!  Think green!  Think healthy!  Eat more raw fruits and veggies and your body will thank you.


  1. Oh my gosh I microwave so much! I need to do my own experiment to see if I feel better reheating things in the oven or on the stovetop.

  2. There are lots of great choices now when it comes on Microwave Oven You can ask for a professional guide when selecting one that would fit to your needs.

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