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Monday, October 28, 2013

Raw Pumpkin Pie with Cinnamon Cranberry Pecan Crust

Are you looking for some healthy options for the upcoming holidays?  I have heard this raw pumpkin pie is fabulous.  I am eager to try it, but thought I would share it with all of you too.  It comes from Young Living's website blog.  Check out other great recipes at
If you like what you see and want to order, just use my YL#1196107 to place your order.

Cinnamon Cranberry Pecan Crust
Makes 2 cups
2  cups pecans, soaked and dried
1 cup dried cranberries, fruit sweetened
1 Tablespoon grade B pure maple syrup
Pinch Himalayan salt
1 drop Young Living cinnamon bark essential oil

Process pecans and cranberries in a food processor until meal texture. Add remaining ingredients and pulse chop. Do not overprocess to avoid turning the mixture into butter. Press mixture into a 10 inch spring form pan. Crust can go up on the sides in a rudimentary fashion. Keep thickness even throughout.Set aside or freeze until ready to fill with Nutmeg Pumpkin Pie Filling.

 Nutmeg Pumpkin Pie Filling
3 1/2 cups chopped pumpkin, small pie variety
2 packed cups young coconut meat
12 soft Medjoul dates, pitted
1 cup grade B pure maple syrup
1/2 cup raw virgin coconut oil
1 teaspoon pumpkin pie spice
1/8 teaspoon Himalayan salt
3 drops Young Living nutmeg essential oil
2 drops Young Living cinnamon bark essential oil
1 drop Young Living ginger essential oil

To avoid difficulty when blending large amounts, this recipe will be made in two batches.Blend half of the ingredients in a high-speed blender until creamy. Remove to a bowl. Repeat for second batch with remaining ingredients. Combine both halves and mix well. Pour into the Cinnamon Cranberry Pecan Crust and gently tap spring form pan several times to remove any air bubbles and to flatten the top of the pie. Cover and freeze to solidify. Remove from the freezer and spring form. 
Slice and serve with Lemon Cool Whip.

Lemon Cool Whip
Makes 2 cups
1 packed cup young coconut meat
1 cup soaked cashews
1/2 cup virgin coconut oil
1/4 cup grade B pure maple syrup
1 teaspoon vanilla
4 drops Young Living lemon essential oil
Pinch Himalayan salt

Blend all ingredients in a high-speed blender until creamy. Freeze to firm. Top Nutmeg Pumpkin Pie when ready to serve.


  1. This recipe sounds amazing. I wonder if you could substitute something for the dates though. I'm not a date fan but maybe mixed with all the other yummies I wouldn't mind it!
    Thanks for sharing the recipe.

  2. The dates seem to melt into the rest of the recipe and become the sugar that sweetens the mix. They also help add a bit more substance and stickiness. Let me know if you try it with a substitution and how it works.


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