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Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Saving the Next Generation

As I watch the news or read the newspaper, I am alarmed by the statistics which indicate growing incidents of childhood obesity, children on medications, autism, Asperger’s and ADHD.   1 out of 10 children are prescribed medication to control ADHD (that’s 8 million children).  1 in 50 children are diagnosed with Celiacs disease.  Diabetes has more than doubled (and in adolescents has tripled) since 1980.  In 2009, the increase of prescription drug use among children was nearly four times higher than in the overall population, making children the leading growth demographic for the drug industry.  Reuters reports:

“Over the past nine years, the most substantial increases in the medicating of children were seen in drugs for conditions not typically associated with them, such as for type 2 diabetes and antipsychotics … Some long-standing childhood maladies also saw large increases, such as asthma.”
Todays children are expected to die 5 years younger than their parents.  Just pick up any newspaper or magazine and you will see a growing concern for our children and their health.

All of these conditions can be greatly improved by diet and natural remedies. As we learn more about nutritional healing and essential oils, our children and grandchildren will benefit.  Already, we are seeing great results in many of our families.  I thought you would enjoy hearing from a few of our own young ones to see how natural healing can be embraced and enjoyed.  While we as adults are relearning good nutrition and discovering essential oils, our children and grandchildren can grow up with this knowledge and be a beacon of hope to their peers suffering from declining health.

My daughter-in-law shared that she will ask my 18 month old grandson, “Do you want to put some oils on?”  He will run to the dresser where the oils are kept yelling "oye, oye", then he will run to the bed, lie down and put his feet in the air.  He has to hold an oil (like Lemon) while she puts Peace & Calming, Thieves or another oil on his feet.  He is growing up using the oils for nasal congestion, rashes, bug bites, teething and much more.

Here are some other stories shared with me: “One day my 22-month-old niece sat next to me at the dining room table and showed me her feet and said “I want some on feet.” Not knowing what she was referring to at first I asked what she meant. She looked at my oils on the table and I figured out she wanted oils on her feet! “You want oils on your feet?” I asked her. “Yeah,” my niece sweetly replied.  She must have remembered the few times I put them on her and loved them so much she wanted more.”

Another woman was listening to the “Missing Link” CD, by Gary Young, and her grade school aged son thought it was so cool that lavender could be used for so many things.  He listened to the whole CD with her and they had a great conversation as he thought the information was very interesting.

“My almost 18-month old daughter felt really hot one day this past week. Her forehead, arms and legs were especially warm. My husband took her temperature, but it wasn’t extremely worrisome, however, it definitely felt like a fever was coming on. She also had a poopy diaper 3 times that day so I knew her body was fighting something. The only oil I had on hand that the Reference Manual recommended to treat fevers was peppermint. After applying it on her feet and having her smell it, her fever dropped literally within minutes! Her fever never got worse.”

Several local families have used lavender and R.C. or Breath Again to treat asthma in their children who no longer need their inhaler or their medications.  Allergies have been successfully managed with Lavender oil.  Flu symptoms have been improved quickly with Thieves or Citrus oils.  Children are drinking green smoothies and loving them.

Let’s be grateful that we have been introduced to such incredible healing wisdom and be willing to share this with others.  You can be the one to make a difference in the lives of the families you know.  Don’t be selfish.  For the sake of the children, let others know there are effective, healthy options available to them.


  1. My chiropractor says a fever (not the dangerously high kind) is one of the best things your body can get. When we get a fever we actually burn away cancer cells. Actually Hippocrates said, "Give me a fever and I can cure any disease." Parents often worry too much about fevers. A fever is the body's natural way to heal itself. Using peppermint oil might be a great way to lower a fever if it starts getting too dangerously high but first allow your body to experience the benefits of having the fever for a little while.

  2. I do agree that we are quick to want to get rid of symptoms that are at times the bodies way of taking care of toxins, disease or invaders. My hope is that we become more comfortable with the body having an intelligence of its own and trusting it more to care for us as we give it what it needs. Thanks for your comment.


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