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Thursday, October 31, 2013

Change Your Words - Change Your Life Today!

The power of our words, even if they are still just thoughts, are incredibly powerful.  What we think affects our choices, our attitudes and ultimately our actions.

Have you ever gone to an event convinced that you are having a bad hair day, feel fat or just don't believe you look attractive.  When someone approaches you and says that you look nice or they like your outfit, what do you think to yourself?  "They are just being nice, I don't really look good today."  Do you usually shift your thoughts and beliefs to include the information you received or do you default to your own beliefs?

In my own life, I often get what I expect.  In my dealings with people, if I expect a conflict, I usually get one.  If I expect a business prospect to turn me down, the prospect usually does.  It seems that without knowing it I am creating the reality that I believe will occur.

I have been keeping a journal with "words of truth" to help form my mind and create positive realities. I repeat these statements out loud at the beginning of each day.  Here are just a few of my entries:

"This will be a good day, a successful day and a day of growth and learning."

"God will use my gifts, talents, passion to change the world."

"I will attract many, many people to healthy living, and Young Living, by the person I am."

"God is working in my family and will bring about healing in all the relationships in my family."

Do these statements mean that I am already doing all of these things or have "arrived" at perfection? No.  But by repeating these and other statements to myself, I am creating a more positive mindset, the opportunity to make choices that align with this vision, and my trust in God and His blessings is reinforced.

I may have mentioned these resources before, but they are worth repeating.  Joyce Meyer's book, Change Your Words, Change Your Life, is inspirational and motivating.  Jim Rohn's book, The Art of Exceptional Living, is profound and entertaining.  Even Napolean Hill's, Think and Grow Rich, is based on this same principle of believing in what you want to happen.

God spoke, and the world was created.  He has created us in His image and our words can be used to create or destroy.  May your words today, whether spoken out loud or in your thoughts, bring you the blessings that God desires for you.


  1. I totally agree that words are powerful. The other thing that we all need to do is to accept the positive compliments that people give to us. It isn't a lack of humility to agree that we are smart, nice, pretty, or whatever the compliment is. So, please take as my gift these words, "You are AWESOME"! Thanks for bravely sharing all that you share in your blog. I hope there are others who are learning from your wisdom.

  2. Thank you, Cathy. I accept your compliment, even though it makes me squirm. Thank you for sharing your insights as well.


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