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Friday, November 1, 2013

Danger: Acidic pH

A healthy body is one with a stable body pH of roughly 7.0.  When the body is consistently more acidic than this then health is compromised.
I have been testing my pH by using test strips that I purchased at a health food store and later at  I spit on the strips first thing in the morning and then take a second strip and pee on it.  The lighter the color (yellow, light green) the more acidic my system.  

There are foods that create more acid, things like highly processed foods, sugars, soda, meat, alcohol and chocolate.  Alternatively, there are foods that will bring the body into a more alkaline state, the best being dark green leafy vegetables.  Most fruits, vegetables, sprouts are alkaline foods. 

What happens if the body is too acid for long periods of time?  Here are just some of the things I've discovered in my reading.

Acid eats away at the inner tissue of arteries, veins and the heart causing them to be brittle and weak.

An acidic system causes weight gain, diabetes, and obesity as insulin production is compromised and acid wastes must be stored in fat cells.

Acid accelerates aging as free-radical damage is increased.

Inhibits metabolism of stored energy reserves and causes minerals to be pulled from bones and tissues in the body to neutralize the acid.

Acid causes cholesterol plaque to form and disrupts blood pressure.

Acid disrupts critical lipid and fatty acid metabolism and this is linked to neurological damage and hormonal imbalance.

Acid inhibits cellular regeneration, DNA-RNA synthesis and causes cancer to flourish.  

When the body is acidic, oxygen is inhibited from getting to the tissues and hemoglobin loses its ability to carry oxygen effectively.

Acid inhibits life-giving electrolyte activity which is required for muscle control.

As I have journeyed on the path of creating a more alkaline body terrain, I have paid more attention to eating more alkaline foods, drinking fresh lemon juice squeezed in water, and being sure that the water I drink is a neutral or alkaline pH.

Have you checked your pH recently?  What have you found that helps you maintain a healthy pH?

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