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Sunday, November 24, 2013

Counting our Blessings

As we prepare for our Thanksgiving celebrations, I want to remind us to take time throughout this week to consciously give thanks for our many, many blessings.

This week I was introduced to several people with debilitating illnesses - a woman with brain cancer (and 7 children), a gentleman whose bladder is not functioning, a woman with MRSA throughout her whole body, a woman with a chronic cough of 10 years, several people with MS, and more. I, by the grace of God, have been given the chance to improve my health and hopefully avoid these type of illnesses that may certainly have caused me much pain and hardship.  For this I am very grateful.

Recently, one of my son's classmates was killed in a car accident. Her family will have a seat empty at their Thanksgiving table and hearts that are still bleeding.  I have three healthy children and two precious grandsons that I adore. For this I am exceedingly grateful.

There are those who journey through this life feeling very alone, unloved and uncared for. By God's mercy, I have been invited to a personal faith and belief in a God who loved me so much that He sent His only son to die to prove it to me.  This sacrifice was not just for me, but for everyone. Somehow I have been fortunate to experience God's love for me in His provision and care on a daily basis and in very practical ways. He wants this for all His children. I can't imagine life without His constant presence. For this I am eternally grateful.

I have a practice of jotting down things I am grateful for in a running list of 1000 gifts.  I discovered this idea in a book that I have now read three times and keep beside my bed called One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp.  I have been daily recording blessings, gifts, surprises, even hardships that I know are blessings in disguise.  I have passed the 1000 mark having just recorded by 1058 gift, but I am still taking time each day to write down blessings large and small: a lesson learned, a rose colored sky, the first unexpected snowfall, a card from a friend, a kind word from a stranger, sunshine streaming through a window, the chorus of birds in the early morning...

I challenge you to find a simple journal or notebook and take some time this week to record your blessings.  When we start to focus on what is right, positive and life giving in our lives, the focus of our energy shifts and we become more joyful people.  You can even choose to focus your attention on recording the good qualities of someone you have a hard time relating to, and watch to see how your feelings toward them soften.

For those of you who may be experiencing hardships, suffering or loss this Thanksgiving, know that my prayers are with you.  May you find consolation in the blessings that are still present in your life and in a God who loves you passionately. May you know His embrace and strength this week.

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