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Monday, November 25, 2013

Flavored Water and Healthy Snacks

The holidays are a great time to visit with family and friends and enjoy some special treats.  This doesn’t mean that a healthy diet has to be abandoned.  With a little planning and some simple preparations, the holidays can include some great immune boosting treats.

Flavored water is a great way to have festive drinks at a party without the added sugars or chemicals of sodas or punch. I regularly make flavored waters and my guests are always delighted and surprised by how delicious and simple these options are.  Besides tasting good, they contain essential oils which help to boost the immune system and detoxify the body.

Here are two of my favorite flavored waters:

Refreshing Citrus Water
In a half gallon sized pitcher of filtered water, add two slices of lemon, 2 slices of orange and 3 drops each of lemon and orange (or tangerine) essential oil. Serve with ice on the side, as the oil will stick to the ice if added to the water.

Invigorating Raspberry Spearmint Water
In a half gallon sized pitcher of filtered water, add 2 Tbsp of frozen raspberries (squeezed slightly) and 2-3 drops spearmint essential oil.

Over the holidays, I find it is important for me to be proactive and create portable snacks that I know I want to eat.  Cutting up veggies and having them in the refrigerator in baggies makes quick grab and go snacks.  Baggies with NingXia wolfberries are easy and nutritious for an afternoon shopping boost.  

Instead of having M&Ms or pretzels on the table as nibbles, why not create a nutritious and enjoyable trail mix. In addition to being a good snack to have in the car or in my purse for busy days or when traveling, baggies of trail mix are also good stocking stuffers

Healthy Trail Mix
¼ cup raw almonds – coarsely chopped
¼ cup raw, unsweetened coconut flakes
¼ cup raw fermented cacao nips (an excellent source of iron, magnesium, and more)
¼ cup organic raisins
¼ cup NingXia wolfberries (an excellent source of protein, polysaccharides, nutrients)

Mix together and enjoy.  You can add more variety and quantity of nuts, currants, dried unsweetened fruits or any number of other healthy options.  Store in air tight bags or containers.  I can’t tell you how long it keeps as it is never in my house for more than a few days.

What are some of your quick and easy healthy holiday ideas?  


  1. As someone who has had your flavored waters at family holiday events I can say that I love the raspberry spearmint!!!! Thanks for sharing the recipe.

  2. Hi there! Nice stuff, do keep me posted when you post again something like this! best hydrogen water


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