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Sunday, November 3, 2013

Blessed by Grandchildren

I just returned from spending three weeks with my son and his family.
His two sons, my grandsons, are total delight and joy, and as a grandmother, I was spoiled and given the precious gift of time and love.

I spent hours holding Philip, who was 2 weeks old when I arrived.  I was continually amazed at the innocence, fragility and perfection of this tiny body.  I was blessed to watch him grow, focus his eyes for the first time on the faces gazing at him, and smile and begin to make sounds.  He stole my heart from the beginning.

Philip reminds me of the gift of each new life and the joy of knowing that each child will impact the world in some unique way.  God has given us the incredible gift of co-creating with him, and the awesome responsibility of loving and training children to use their currently unknown gifts, talents and passions to make the world a better place.

I was able to spend many hours with Edmond, the 19th month old grandson, who is a ball of energy, curiosity and laughter.  We had so much fun reading, playing with his cars and toys, singing with his “tar” (guitar) and watching his favorite movie, “Chitty Chitty”.  He learns new words and phrases each day and is testing his boundaries and limits to see exactly how this world works, and what his parents will do if he pushes the line.  He is such a joy!

As I played with Edmond, I was reminded that God delights in us as His children.  We are discovering all that He has given us in this world and we often test His limits and the rules that He has given for our protection and blessing. I believe God is pleased when we bring Him problems we can’t handle or when we just want to cuddle with Him in prayer.

In the gospels, Jesus tells us to become as little children, to rely on our heavenly Father with trust and confidence.  May the children in your life remind you to take time to play, to see the world with new eyes, to believe in the good in others, to laugh often, and to forgive easily. 

May gratitude fill your heart for the gift of each new life and may you be reminded that you are but a child - simple, precious and in need of the Father's loving care.  Happy Sunday!

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