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Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Give Your Immune System a Big Boost!

Here in Ohio, we have already had snowfall on two occasions. With this shift in weather, many people around me are struggling with sinus congestion and infections, headaches, runny noses, allergies and more.  I have been sharing essential oils with people everywhere I go (I always keep some on hand, just in case...).

So what can you do to keep from getting sick this winter? The best answer is boost your immune system.  A healthy body, with oxygenated, nutrient rich cells, is far less likely to get sick. There is just no room in a healthy cell for sickness to enter. I am sure we all realize that the reason we catch a cold or flu is because our immune system is just not able to fight off the harmful virus or bacteria.

One way to strengthen your immune system is to avoid things that overwork or weaken your immune system. Some ideas are:

1) Sugar and processed foods – the average person consumes about 75 grams of sugar per day. These sugars unbalance your gut flora and become ‘fertilizer’ for pathogenic bacteria, yeast and fungi that can set your immune system up for an assault by a respiratory virus.

2) Chemicals and toxins always put a strain on the body and cause it to work harder to remove these intruders from circulation.

3) Stress, lack of sleep, lack of exercise - The likelihood of you becoming a victim of an unwanted virus increases if you are overtired, stressed out, or eating an unhealthy diet, as all of these things can weaken your immune system.

There are foods that are especially good at boosting the immune system. Some of those include:
  • Greens, veggies and fruits are nutritionally solid for the body 
  • Garlic is incredibly beneficial to your immune system because it offers a triple-whammy: it’s antibacterial, antiviral and anti-fungal. It should be used fresh as the active ingredient is destroyed after one hour of being smashed. 
  • NingXia Red – highest antioxidant food source, anti-inflammatory, nutritional superfood with high levels of 18 amino acids, 21 trace minerals, Beta Carotene and Vitamins C, E, B1, B2, B6 and more. A great 1-2 oz. boost every day.
  • Green Tea – should be “green” in color and organic.
  • Mushrooms support the activity of antibodies and are natural killer cells.  If left in the sun, gill side up, mushrooms will produce significant amounts of Vitamin D. 
There are also vitamins, herbs and essential oils that boost your immune system.  Here are a few to consider:
  • Vitamin C is a very potent antioxidant; use a natural form such as acerola, which contains associated micronutrients (Young Living's Super C is supermicronized so it is easily absorded by the cells)
  • Vitamin D: Evidence is mounting in support of vitamin D as a potent cold and flu prevention strategy. It is best obtained from sunshine whenever possible. (OmegaGize has Vitamin D)
  • Zinc: Much medical research has found that taking zinc within one day of the first symptoms, it can cut down the time you have a cold by about 24 hours.
  •  Licorice: buffers the inflammatory response by increasing steroid output by the adrenal glands; a good buffer if your immune system is over responding to the flu.
  • Turmeric: general immune system booster due to its high antioxidant capacity, and an anticancer agent as well; turmeric is 5 to 8 times stronger than vitamins C and E, and even strong enough to scavenge the hydroxyl radical, which is considered by some to be the most reactive of all oxidants.
  • Oregano: active agent is rosmarinic acid, a strong antioxidant. One to two drops of Young Living's Oregano oil is very effective against cold and flu symptoms.
  • Cinnamon: powerful antimicrobial agent—found to kill E. coli, MRSA and many other bacteria; also has anti-inflammatory compounds. Found in Young Living's Thieves oil, which has been effective for me against flu, cold, sore throat and even shingles.
  • Cloves: contains eugenol; its mild anesthetic benefits are useful for toothaches and sore throats; good anti-inflammatory.  Also found in YL's Thieves oil.
  • Inner Defense: a Young Living supplement with 7 antibiotic, antiviral oils in a capsule (Thieves blend, oregano and lemongrass) I take it orally once a week for prevention.  I will take one in the morning and evening at the first symptoms of illness and I have not been sick for more than 8 hours over the last three years.
  • Diffusing oils in an atomizing diffuser will help to kill germs, reduce odors and boost immunity all at the same time.  Great oils to diffuse are Thieves, Purification, R.C., lemon, and ImmuPower.
I know I have just scratched the surface with ideas for staying healthy this winter. What are your favorite immune boosting tips?  Do tell!

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