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Thursday, November 14, 2013

Breaking the Pattern

There is a saying that makes a lot of sense to me and has been challenging me lately to look at my choices.

"If you keep doing what you did, you'll keep getting what you got!"

Yet how many times do I eat something and feel sick or uncomfortable afterwards only to eat it again a few days later.  Or I choose to avoid making phone calls for my business and then wonder why I don't have any appointments the next week.  It seems I am not connecting the dots.

My life is the accumulation of my choices up to this point in time.  Why is it that I avoid taking the time to see where my choices are leading me?

Other examples of this disconnect might be:
  • Missing time to pray or meditate and then wondering why there is a lack of peace in the day
  • Postponing or skipping a date with the spouse and then wondering why intimacy seems to be waning
  • Gossiping about coworkers and then wondering why the office has a negative energy or atmosphere/
  • Eating "just a bit" of cake, doughnut, cookie throughout the day and then wonder why the scale seems to be off at the end of the wee
I think sometimes we operate on auto-pilot.  We really don't take time to stop and think about what we are doing, what our goals or desires are, and whether the road we are traveling on is taking us to where we want to be.

Is it just me?  Do you relate to this phenomenon?

I have decided to take some time to determine what my life goals are.  What do I believe is my purpose, my passion, my contribution to life?  What are changes that I would like to make (not "should make"...see post from 9/6/13) and what specific steps will bring about those changes? Then I want to write down my goals for the year, month, week and determine the daily steps that will take me where I want to be.

If I want to improve my health and eliminate gluten (which I decided this week I would like to do, after listening to the Gluten Summit - more on that Saturday), then I need to have a plan.  What new recipes will I incorporate?  When will I make the time to find new recipes?  What books or websites or audio recordings will continue to keep me motivated and learning, otherwise the change will seem like a drudgery.  If I decide to read a book, how many pages will I read each night?

"Failing to plan is planning to fail."

None of us wants to fail, so take the time - make the time- to get a clear picture of your goal, your steps and your time frame.  Be intentional about the outcomes in your life.  I am certain you won't be sorry.

Can you share an example of being intentional with one of your goals and what you experienced? I'd love to hear.

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