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Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Foods that Heal – Part II

Last Sunday I shared the belief that certain foods, especially in their raw, unprocessed state, are especially helpful for helping the body heal itself of specific ailments.  This week I want to share the rest of my notes and give you a few informative and inspiring resources.

For the following areas of health, try the foods recommended.
Reproductive and Sexual Health:   Before conception - zinc found in nuts and seeds is important for healthy sperm, while  folic acid for women can be found in green leafy vegetables and citrus fruits.  Flagging libido can be enhanced with ginger & ginseng. 

Skeletal and Muscular Health:  enjoy magnesium rich foods, such as green leafy vegetables, nuts and seeds. Cucumber juice helps combat rheumatoid arthritis, as well as cherry, grape, pineapple and dandelion. 

Skin and hair care:  Omega 3 oils found in flax seed & avocados are very beneficial.

Cancer prevention: highly recommended are cruciferous vegetables, which include green vegetables such as kale, cabbage, collards, and broccoli, along with cauliflower and turnips. These have been directly linked to lower incidence of various types of cancer (twice as effective as other vegetables). These foods are also antiviral and antibacterial.  Mushrooms have also been found to be a super cancer fighting food.  Garlic, leeks, onions, improve immunity and are anticancer foods.  Pomegranates and berries have antioxidant and anticancer properties. 

Of course, there are also essential oils that aid each of these areas of the body and I will continue to share them in future posts.  Whole foods and therapeutic grade essential oils are a winning combination for vibrant health.

Why not identify one or two whole foods that you could add (raw is best as juice, a smoothie, salad or just to munch) and see if your body will use these foods to bring you healing.

As always, I’d love to hear of your success.

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