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Sunday, November 10, 2013

Appreciate Difficult Days

In Jesus Calling a few days ago, I was struck by a few lines in the meditation.
"Learn to appreciate difficult days.  Be stimulated by the challenges you encounter along your way."

How many times do I grumble and complain because I am experiencing something that takes me outside of my comfort zone or causes me pain? I am certainly not expressing gratitude for car troubles, relationship issues or disappointments, financial strains or an appliance breakdown. I don't usually see days with too many tasks for the time, or days of loneliness or uncertainty, as "stimulating".

What God has been gently teaching me is that these challenges are reminders that I can't rely on myself. Life is not within my control. I can pretend it is and even convince myself that I have "everything under control" but the reality is that in a blink of an eye my world could be turned upside down (or at least sideways). 

This may seem like a depressing thought, but for those who believe in a personal, loving God, this is an opportunity to put our trust in His love and care. If God is really who we say He is, then He cares more for us than we care for ourselves. God only gives love. That is His very nature. 

Romans 8:28 "All things work together for good for those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose."

This is an exciting adventure. Each day I have the opportunity to follow where God leads, to embrace all that happens with a joyful heart and to accept the challenges that can create compassion, courage, and character within me. 

“Regardless of your lot in life, you can build something beautiful on it.” Zig Ziglar

Anxiety has now become a reminder for me that I have moved back into the driver’s seat and am trying to direct my own life, keeping things safe and comfortable. I am trying to avoid any bumpy roads. Instead, God nudges me to slide back over to the passenger seat and let Him do the driving.  He will tell me what I need to know and direct me if I am listening. I will enjoy the journey so much more.

 ‘Life is not about waiting for the storms to pass…it’s about learning to dance in the rain.” Author unknown

The road may be bumpy, but the lessons learned in hardship, and the character built in times of perseverance, are priceless treasures.

Do you agree?  Can you share what you’ve experienced? 

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