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Thursday, October 10, 2013

Put a Positive Spin on it

Someone shared a thought with me recently that has stayed with me.  Often when we are trying to lose weight or move to better health, we focus on what we can't have, on what we are denied or on how slowly the changes are taking place. The suggestion that was shared was to focus on adding something positive, rather than eliminating something. It is a subtle shift in thinking.  

If I decide I will add more greens to my diet (an excellent choice) then it stands to reason that something else will probably have to be eliminated without my really having to focus on it, just because there won't be room in my diet for both. If I add positive thinking to my day, or gratitude, then I have eliminated negative thinking for at least a portion of my day.  

Being positive with myself can go a long way too to making healthy changes. Give yourself a compliment, enjoy a chapter of a good book, or treat yourself to a conversation with a friend.

As we move into fall, colder temperatures and less sunlight, I can sometimes struggle with a negative focus. I continually comment on the cold or on how much I dislike these darker days. This puts me into a negative frame of mind and I feel a bit gloomy and can sometimes struggle with depression.  

To counter this, I am going to try adding positive comments to my day, looking for the good in this season: the chance to take out a new set of clothes, enjoy beautiful leaves and color, and be reminded that death & dying is always followed by new life and resurrection.  

I will also look for ways to enjoy something that can give me a lift:  

  1. Lighting some candles or diffusing a favorite oil to lift my spirits
  2. Adding fresh fruits to my diet like citrus, blueberries, or a pomegranate (you haven't tried one...oh, what you're missing!)
  3. Getting some exercise with a friend
  4. Using my YL lemon essential oil to lift my mood.  Just smelling it clears the darkness.  *Lemon oil has been proven to help overcome depression, increase productivity and retention and for me is "sunshine in a bottle".
  5. Clean out a closet or room that has been needing attention. Do some of those projects that seem to wait for "rainy" days.
By adding one positive thing, consistently, to our life, we are, maybe unknowingly, eliminating one negative thing.  Whether it is adding a healthy food, a happy thought, or a pampering action, this choice can create momentum for good.  

It has been said that it takes 21 days to create a new habit, so what is one positive choice that you will make over the next month?  Are you brave enough to share it with us?  We'd love to celebrate your success next month.

1 comment:

  1. Love, love, love the lemon essential oils. They make my day so happy!


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