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Sunday, February 23, 2014

Appreciate the Masterpiece of You

Watching the closing ceremonies of the Olympics causes me to reflect on the variety of life, of different cultures, customs, traditions, and experiences. There is a richness in the world all around us. There is much to appreciate, to learn about, to be grateful for. Life is full of masterpieces, of human creations or natural wonders.

I started the day with a short walk and appreciated unique birds, lizards and flowers.

Later in the day, I was able to enjoy the creations of artists at an art festival involving chalk creations that were simply amazing.

 All this does not compare, however, to the creation that is you. Whether you are an artist, an olympic athlete or someone less famous, you are not an "ordinary" person. There is nothing "ordinary" about you! You are a masterpiece, one of a kind, created in the image of our heavenly Father. You have much to offer in gifts, talents, and skills. Take time to appreciate yourself and your contribution to the lives of those who know you.


  1. Those drawings are incredible. Sometimes it's easier to feel good about yourself if you have a talent like that. At least it would seem so to those of us who don't exhibit any noticeable or outstanding talent. I'm 55 and still have no idea what I'm really good at if anything. I like so many things!
    But faith is a belief in the unseen so I guess at least I have lots of faith!

    1. God does not forget to put passion, skills or talents in any of us. Sometimes it can be helpful to make a list of all the things you enjoy, are passionate about, know how to do. Look at the list and listen for a stirring in your heart. Then ask yourself what you can do to develop or improve a skill, desire, interest that God might use in you in the future.

    2. Thanks for the reply Susie. I wish there was a way to know when other people comment on the blog as I forget to go back to posts and I would enjoy hearing what other people have to say as well.


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