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Saturday, February 1, 2014

Super Bowl Marketing

It's Super Bowl time, and the commercials at this time of the year are some of the most expensive. Granted, they can be funny and entertaining, but what are they trying to sell, and how are they playing on emotions?

Sometimes I believe that I would have been healthier sooner if I had unplugged my TV, stopped listening to all the messages (commercials and billboards) telling me what to love and why I need certain foods or beverages to be happy, and instead listened to my body.

The food industry spends millions of dollars and hundreds of man hours trying to get into our heads and emotions in order to sell their products. It can be difficult to realize what is happening. Shields up! Think for yourself and don't function on autopilot, grazing from dorritos, to corn chips, to pizza, to cookies, to beer, to ... You get the idea. Your health is too important for you to let someone else determine what you should be doing. Remember that what my mind or emotions think they want, and what my body needs may be two very different things.

My body might desire a salad or some fresh fruit, whole grains, raw nuts or some veggies. Because it's winter, our bodies can be depleted of vital nutrients and we need to pay attention. Limited sunshine limits my Vitamin D. Less fresh fruits and vegetables decreases a whole host of nutrients. Less sunshine and more cold might mean that energy and positive emotions are flagging. Sugar can seem like a quick fix and pleasure, but does it really bring you the results you want for the long term?

Is my gut telling me by way of acid reflux, indigestion, cramping or bloating, that I am abusing it? Do I suffer from inflammation, migranes, or other ailments that can be triggered by a less than healthy diet?

Commercials definitely try to sell us their image of emotional happiness too. Does holding a Starbucks coffee cup really make me successful? Will I really be happy, popular and the life of the party if I drink a certain beer? Will certain drugs and medications create intimacy with my significant other? These are just some of the messages that our brains are fed on a daily basis.

So how can you listen to your body and make good choices for yourself? What is your strategy? Leave a comment below.

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