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Friday, February 28, 2014

Fabulous Friday in February

This is the last day in February which means several things-

1) Tomorrow I will draw for the contents of this gift basket, to be given to one person who left a comment on my blog in February. So... today is your last chance to comment and possibly win these fun prizes.

2) I am also giving away a Balance Complete protein powder (meal replacement, valued at $65) to one person who has registered and paid for our Exceptional Expectations Young Living conference to be held Saturday, April 5. You can learn more about the conference and register by clicking here.
Young Living distributors are $35 and guests are free. This prize is being given to one person who registers early, before March 1, so register today!

3) A woman in Pittsburgh asked me to share with all of you a unique opportunity to get a variety of seeds without having to buy a lot of packets and spend a considerable amount of money. Here is her description:

Share seeds of 30 vegetables! The best of vegetables -- kale and spinach -- are among those being offered as "seeds" in several seed sharing events in Moon Township library (March 8), Squirrel Hill private home (March 15) and Sewickley Library (April 12). Hundreds of seeds per participant. Save a spot and get details from Mary Beth at
Now that my announcements are complete, what's on your mind on this fabulous Friday at the end of February?

Don't forget: Last day in February you can leave a comment on my blog.


  1. I always get the blog updates about 2 am in the morning the next day so I don't get Friday's until Saturday, etc - not that it matters to me but thought I'd let you know.
    The seed thing sounds great and I will have to get my sign up in for the conference.

  2. I received your registration for the conference from Shannon. Thank you!


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