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Sunday, February 9, 2014

Does God Want Us to Be Sick?

How many times have you heard someone say that they don't understand why God doesn't heal them of an illness or chronic condition? They are good people, have been praying in faith and just aren't getting the results they hope for. 

This calls to mind a story I heard about a man stuck in a flood who climbs to the roof of his house to keep from drowning. He prays to God to heal him and then proceeds to turn down rescue from a boat and helicopter because he is waiting for God to do something. When he drowns and goes to heaven, he asks why God didn't answer his prayer. God responds that he sent him a boat and helicopter.

God sends no stress...
I believe God has given us health resources that many of us ignore. We often choose to eat foods that we know are not healthy. We allow stress to build in our lives, avoid exercise, and speak negative messages to ourselves throughout the day. God has given us promises in the Bible that speak of a life of fullness, joy, blessing and grace in the face of hardship, but we often fill our day with negative speech and our bodies with harmful substances. We are literally poisoning our minds, emotions and bodies.

I write this as much for myself as I do to challenge you. I know there are times that I expect God to "make up" for my poor choices. I neglect to spend time in prayer getting my direction for the day from Him, but then I expect Him to bless my decisions and plans. I use food, usually refined carbohydrates, as a "quick fix" for my emotional needs (loneliness, sadness, anxiety) and then wonder why I can't seem to pull myself out of an emotional fog or why I am not feeling well. 

God has given us a bountiful garden full of fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and the pure essential oils from a variety of plants for our healing. How often have we turned our back on this gift and said, "I don't like vegetables", but we are malnourished, overly toxic and not feeling well?  Like them or not, they are exactly what my body needs for optimal health.

I believe that God has healing for us if we will just accept the gifts He has given us, in plants, in one another, in His Word, and in the power of our choices. May we embrace the blessings He has for us and be willing to share His gifts and provision with others.

What is one step that you could take to embrace the good things that God has provided for your healing? Thanks for being vulnerable and sharing.


  1. I am always disappointed in myself when I make bad food choices like eating cards to numb stress. It really doesn't make me feel better and often makes me feel worse. Why is it when we know the right thing to do we don't always do the right thing? Thank you for challenging us all and giving us good healthy alternatives to our bad choices.

    1. I think we need to keep coming up with our "why" for being healthy. If we don't want it badly enough, we won't stick with it when times get tough. Thanks for all your sharing, Cat Sim.

  2. I"m not sure why but my previous comment did not show up. I admit that even though I grow produce I probably eat less of it than my customers. I'm so busy getting it out there for them that I take the easy way for myself. OK, well, I'm admitting that as easy as grabbing a carrot or munching on a tomato is, I'm giving in to my food cravings and snacking on other stuff not so good. I'm working on changing that and have made small strides getting there. My goal this summer is to eat entirely from the garden with maybe some gluten free things on the side. I can't wait!!!

    1. Thank you for your honesty! That is the first step toward making positive changes and sometimes the hardest. I love the idea of eating out of the garden. I encourage you to try to make ways to be good to yourself and your body even before the early spring garden can go in. You are worth it!

    2. Susie, for some reason I showed up unknown but this is Cynthia and I am currently growing micro sprouts and getting ready to start some lettuces inside. Yesterday took some stored cabbage, cut it up and put it into a casserole; layed some of Clint's cut up sausage links (pasture raised) on top and dolloped some fresh lard here and there over top and baked. EASY and such comfort food. Add some fermented beets and you are good to go. (On the side of course)


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