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Sunday, February 2, 2014

Declaring God's Promises

A friend just lent me a book that she thought would be a blessing to me. It is called, I Declare, 31 Promises to Speak Over Your Life, by Joel Osteen. While I was grateful to her for thinking of me, my initial reaction to an evangelist with the "largest church in America" was to be a bit cautious and skeptical (maybe the way some people are when I begin talking about essential oils).

I put the book to the side intending to give it a quick peek and return it. When I picked it up and started to read it, I realized I had been very wrong. I now believe that this is God's gift to me at this time in my life. I have been aware of lies in my life ("I'm not good enough", "What difference does it make, nothing will ever change") that God wants to replace with His truths. Reading this book and practicing what it teaches, has the potential to push these lies from my mind and heart.

The book highlights 31 declarations that are to be read each day of the month. With each declaration is an explanation of what the Bible says about the particular promise, or a present day example of how someone is living out the promise/truth.

I have come across many authors lately who have written about the power of our words, the impact of positive thoughts and the gift of gratitude and thanksgiving. I believe these are all timely messages as we are bombarded by negative messages and news everywhere we turn.

Just watch the evening news for all the latest worldwide tragedies. Read the newspaper to hear about the violence in and around your neighborhood. Listen to conversations in the lunch room or grocery store aisles for all the latest gossip and ailments that are besetting friends and family. We tend to hear a litany of woes, negative speech and defeating thoughts throughout the day.

As a Christian, I believe God wants us to be joyful, positive and full of life. Even when troubles come our way, we are called to be people of hope and trust, not dwelling on what appears to be negative, but trusting that God will bring good out of all circumstances.

God has not let me down yet. I may have been stretched, but I am better for it. I may have experienced hardship or loss, but it has created character and strength in my life.

Each day, I can choose to declare His promises and rejoice in the new adventures just around the bend. I can live in the knowledge that I have a loving Father who is caring for me each moment of every day. I can live in joy.

When was the last time you declared God's promises in your life?
What resource have you found to help you maintain a positive disposition and outlook?
I would love to know.

1 comment:

  1. Words are very powerful. I know that things I say to myself greatly impact my actions as well. Lies or negative self talk often make me selfish as I am often comparing myself to others rather than thinking about their needs. Thanks for sharing positive words in your blog! Truths and grace are God's gifts.


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