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Thursday, February 20, 2014

Resisting the Truth

Why is it that we so often resist the truth when it is right in front of us? Why do we neglect to do things that would be easy to do and beneficial for us?

I love what Jim Rohn had to say about good healthy habits. "An apple a day..." We all know the end of that phrase, "keeps the doctor away." As Jim likes to ask, "What if that was true? It would be so easy to do. But it is also easy not to do." It seems too simple.

I have been sharing essential oils and nutritional healing with many wonderful people. Some have been trying to make healthier choices already and are eager to hear what I have to share. Others are experiencing painful or frustrating health challenges and want something that might help. Others dismiss the idea that oils could be beneficial without giving it a second thought.

What if rubbing a therapeutic essential oil on a joint or back could bring pain relief? It is so easy to do. I guess it is also easy not to do. It seems too simple. What if drinking NingXia Red juice could boost your immune system, lower inflammation and decrease arthritis? Would you try it? There is research available all over the internet. Testimonies abound, and every day I learn of people who have reversed serious illness or eliminated pain. Personally, I have not taken even an aspirin in over 4 years. I haven't needed too. Young Living oils have worked wonderfully for me.

I have always been one to distrust claims that seem too good to be true. Yet every day I am amazed at how well the oils and supplements of Young Living have worked for my life and those I know. I understand people's hesitation, yet I ask, "What if half of everything I am sharing is true, would you try it?" What do you have to lose?

Remember that every comment you leave on my blog before March 1 will enter you into the drawing for my basket of healthy goodies. Leave as many comments as you like and let me know if you repost or share this on your social media sites as that will get you an extra entry.

1 comment:

  1. Oops, that's me sometimes ignoring the oh so simple to do. Like instead of grabbing a bag of chips eating an apple.


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