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Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Therapeutic Fasting is Healing

March 5 will begin the season of Lent or the 40 days, a time when we traditionally fast, abstain and desire to grow in holiness. Did you know that in addition to the spiritual benefits of self-denial,
fasting can also be physically therapeutic?

In Dr. Joel Fuhrman's book, Fasting and Eating for Health, he states, "Therapeutic fasting accelerates the healing process and allows the body to recover from serious disease in a dramatically short period of time." He then lists a host of illnesses and chronic conditions that he has seen fasting improve.

Dr. Fuhrman also shares testimonies and stories from those who have undergone a therapeutic fast and he gives clear, scientific explanations for fasting and for adopting a predominately plant based diet. "We have today a society of overfed people, poisoning themselves with high-fat, high-protein, highly refined foods." Dr. Fuhrman believes that the western diet has led to our continued rise in obesity, cancer, heart disease and many other illnesses.

He gives guidelines for a total fast, with water only, but encourages physician supervision from someone familiar with and supportive of fasting. "Fasting, as a therapeutic modality, is safe, effective, and a true health care bargain." Let's face it, you can't complain that fasting is too expensive!

Maybe you don't think you're ready for a total fast. There are other things you could consider doing.

If you eat a fair amount of processed food, why not decide that you will eliminate anything from a box or a can for a week or two. Make a decision to skip one meal and drink more water. Refrain from eating dessert except for once a week. Give up the coffee, soda (diet or regular) or energy drinks and substitute water or green smoothies instead. There are many ways to fast and make positive changes in your diet at the same time.

Keep in mind that the first few days on any fast or diet change is going to be a bit difficult. Your body chemistry is adjusting, toxins are being released and food cravings aren't going without a fight. You may experience detox symptoms which can involve headache or muscle aches, slight fever or bowel issues. Hang in there and your sacrifice can be offered up for others, and bless you as well.

Have you done a fast in the past? Do you have a favorite one?

Don't forget to leave a comment before March 1 so your name will be in the drawing for a gift basket of healthy goodies. One entry per comment or reposting elsewhere and letting me know. You just might win!


  1. I really like Dr. Fuhrman's book and have been trying to follow his recommendations although in the winter a pound of raw and a pound of cooked veggies is expensive to consider so I'm anxiously awaiting my spring greens!
    I did a complete fast once and used it with the purpose of every time my belly grumbled (or I did!) it would remind me to pray at that point or stop and read the Scriptures. It was not the easiest thing to do for a busy person but it was beneficial for concentrating of the spiritual.

    1. Thanks for sharing Cynthia. I appreciate your interaction with the post and sharing your experience. It adds a richness for all who read.

    2. Cynthia:
      It is nice to see another person commenting on the blog. I read your comments in addition to Susie's posts. Please keep sharing your comments as they are helpful to me too.


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