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Sunday, February 16, 2014

Loved to the Core of Me

Every day I am amazed at all the new things I am learning about the human body, about the energy and frequency of the body, how systems of the body interact, the foods that heal, and the miraculous ways that our body operates and interacts with the world around us.

The body is not an end in itself, in fact one day it will turn to dust. My body will die, my heart will stop beating.  At that time, I believe I will find myself in the arms of a loving, personal God who created me out of His love for me.

I believe my body is a gift from this loving God and that I (all of us) am the crown of His creation and imbued with His very life. In fact, this God loved me so much that He actually came and took on a body of His own. His love is demonstrated by His example, teachings and His sacrifice and death.

Do you realize that the very fiber of our body speaks of God's love? The "glue" that holds the cells of our body together, the family of proteins that are cell adhesion molecules is called laminin. This word may be new to you as it was for me, but the shape that it takes in our bodies will look familiar.

In a very unique way, our bodies are literally held together by the cross, by the love of a God that desires to be in relationship with us.

My hope is that we can daily tap into the love of this father, to surrender ourselves into His care and provision.  May we be so full of His personal love (from the very cells of our body) that it spills out to others all around us.

May we continue to marvel in this incredible gift of our bodies and use them to make our world a better place for all and to give glory of the God who created us out of love.


  1. Amazing! There are so many signs that we have a loving Father who created us This is an awesome post reminding me of my Awesome God - thanks!


  2. Suzie, this is a wonderful post..very inspiring. Thank you.

    Cynthia - thank you for the Garlic Soup recipe - looks delicious!!!


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