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Friday, February 7, 2014

Good Habits Are the Key to All Success

"The only difference between those who have failed and those who have succeeded lies in the difference of their habits. Good habits are the key to all success. Bad habits are the unlocked door to failure." 
 Og Mandino in "The Greatest Salesman in the World"

I have heard several talks in recent weeks that have challenged me to take a look at my habits, my comfortable (but maybe not productive) routines, the thoughts that I habitually think, the knee-jerk reaction that I have in certain situations. How did I get these habits? How do I get rid of them?

Dr. James Rouse, in the September 2013 issue of Success magazine, speaks on this topic. He paints a picture of a morning ritual of negative habits that don't set up a successful day. Beginning with snoozing the alarm clock, which he refers to as "that most insidious form of denial", we create a feeling of stress, of not embracing the day and not being grateful for the challenges that lie ahead. Add a couple cups of coffee, ten minutes of negative news broadcasts, the decision not to exercise, and a quick unhealthy breakfast pastry, and a morning ritual, or habit, begins to take shape that will sabotage success and joy.

When I read this, I was hit right between the eyes. I could immediately relate to the negativity caused by snoozing my alarm clock, so I decided that the snooze button is not an option. When I first wake, I will take five minutes to thank God for the new day and all the blessings that are to come. After months of near complete inactivity, I am going to exercise first thing each morning. The exercise doesn't have to be Herculean, just something. Right now, I pulled out my pilates DVD, but since I love to dance, maybe I'll find a Zumba or Jazzercize DVD. With all that I read about good health, I can't believe I have gone as long as I have avoiding exercise. Just a bad habit, I guess.

Ending the day with a good ritual is important too. I tend to answer email, work on projects and keep the adrenaline pumping until it is time to go to bed. I've been dropping into bed after midnight. I know this is not what I want, and I am the only one that can make the change.

I've decided to shut off the computer by 10:00, even if my blog isn't done (which is why this Thursday blog is a day late), read a chapter of an inspirational book, do a few slow stretches with deep breathing, take a moment to give thanks for the blessings tucked within the day, and peacefully get into bed. 

Of course, both my morning and evening routines include using some of my Young Living oils, like Valor, Lavender, Progessence Plus, Joy and any special oils that I find especially helpful at the moment.

Lastly, as I go through my day, I am trying to reflect on my choices, asking myself, "Why do I do this the way I do? Is it the best habit for my success?" If I decide that I am wasting time, doing something in an inefficient manner or sabotaging my health, then I have the option to change it. It may not seem like the easiest road, but one good habit will lead to other good habits and a positive mind set. It will create momentum toward success. 

I challenge you to take a closer look at your habits and ask yourself if they are really serving you now. I'd love to hear what good habits you've created or are inspired to try to implement. We can support and learn from each other.

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