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Thursday, February 13, 2014

Exercising for My Loved Ones

I have purchased the exercise DVDs, the sweatpants and the shoes. So why do I avoid daily exercise when I know it will help me feel better, have more energy and be healthier?

Is it that my bed is warm, my exercise clothes are initially cold to put on, it is still dark outside, I don't have the energy, I'll do it tomorrow...? I bet you have a few other excuses you could add that I've forgotten.

Everywhere I turn, I am hearing of the importance of exercise, so it's time! Stubbornness and laziness aside; excuses in the circular file, it is time to do what I know will bless my life. It's time to think of all those I love and how much better I will be able to serve them if I am doing what I know is good for me.

I can stir up my "why". I want to be healthier so I can be a part of my childrens' and grandchildrens' lives, so I can serve those God brings into my life, and so I can avoid hospitals, future medical interventions and drugs if at all possible. If my "why" is strong enough, and it is, then it can fuel my behaviors.

It is time to just do what I know is right and to leave the regret and guilt behind. Regret is very draining. Guilt is extremely defeating. Both keep me from focusing on where I want to be and instead keep me looking behind to what could have been. They are like a ball and chain. I've decided to cut them loose and move forward, in freedom and purpose.

The September 2013 Success magazine CD was focused on health, and several talks discussed the importance of exercise. Dr. James Rouse gave a very inspiring talk on self care and the importance of exercise first thing in the day. This one good habit will lead to other good habits later in the day. Exercise creates healthy hormones, strengthens willpower and improves our ability to serve.

Jonathan Roche was the second guest and he gave a "win today checklist" which you can print out and use. He discussed the benefit of having a win tomorrow checklist, which means preparing the night before so you can be successful the next day. This involves getting water bottles, work out clothes, healthy snacks, and lunch ready for the next day, setting an exact time for your workout, and then setting a bedtime to ensure 7 hours of sleep. Don't start the day with the snooze button and avoidance, but embrace the day and be thankful for the adventure that lies ahead. Both of these talks were excellent and very motivating.

I was convicted that I can make exercise happen and so I am happy to say, I started. It has only been 5 days, but it is the first 5 of many more to come. I am posting this to inspire you to join me in this healthy habit and also to cement my own decision and keep me accountable. You can feel free to ask me how it's going, and I will be honest. I am confident that my answer will be, "It's going great and I am feeling wonderful!"

Do you have a favorite exercise routine or suggestion? What works for you?


  1. Way to go Susie. I have been struggling with commitment to exercise but also dealing with injuries.....or maybe just excuses. No time like the present. Just put one foot in front of the other and cha cha cha!

    1. Oh, how I miss dancing with all of you. Tried to do the Grease routine and could not get past the first 12 steps. I went completely blank. Still have sweet escape. Need to get the Cha Cha music. Tell all the dancers I say hello!


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