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Thursday, February 27, 2014

Brain Washing for Success

I have had the incredible blessing of discovering the words and teachings of many great leaders lately and the message they share is literally washing my brain.  Some of the teachings are familiar and reflect messages given in the old and new testaments in the Bible, the thoughts of world leaders and saints in days of old.

The primary challenge in the words I am reading is to believe that life is good, beauty is all around, and I am capable of any challenge that I set my mind to, especially if it is something that I am truly passionate about and it dovetails with my life's purpose.

I can be inspired by others who attain greatness, victory and success whether it be athletes during the Olympic games, business leaders or world leaders commanding the respect of nations, or seemingly ordinary people who rise up to champion kindness, caring and service in their corner of the world.

I might think, "What can I do, I am only one person?" Then I think of Mother Theresa, Martin Luther King, Jr., Gandi or even Hitler. Each of these people began with small steps, but followed their vision or dream for the future with dramatic results. Look at any great discovery, victory or movement and you will most likely find one individual who stands out as being instrumental in leading the charge, so to speak.

I know that often I have been comfortable living an existence of "ordinary". I have not always challenged myself to stretch my knowledge, build my skill or go outside of myself to impact the lives of others. Often I have acted as a coward, happily focused on my own small needs and desires, and content to disappear into my home and leave the world outside.

Some quotes that have been stirring my heart and challenging my thoughts:
"The greater danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we hit it."  Michelangelo
"To achieve something you have never achieved before you must become someone you have never been."  Les Brown 
"Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude."  Thomas Jefferson 
Each day we have a choice, to embrace the positive, the life giving and the beautiful or to allow the negative, limiting and ugly to overwhelm us. There is a world of resources available to us; words of great men and women who have gone before us. You can fill your mind with thoughts of hope, optimism, courage, wisdom, and make each day a wonderful adventure.

What have you read recently that has blessed, stretched or washed your brain?

Leave a comment and your name will be put into a drawing for a gift basket of goodies. The winner's name will be drawn on March 1 from all February comments.


  1. I never thought about "brain washing" as a washing of the brain. I've always looked at it from the negative. But we all need our brains washed in the Truth so I guess the right kind of brain washing is a good thing. You always present a fresh perspective for me in your blog postings so I've really enjoyed following them. Thanks, Susie!

  2. Thank you for the time you take to do this blog and to share these kinds of inspiring words. Your support and encouragement to improve our lives in body, mind and spirit are a true gift. THANK YOU!


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