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Thursday, January 9, 2014

An Ounce of Prevention, Now More Than Ever

With all the changes in health care, insurance coverage and Obama Care, there has never been a better time to focus on being healthy. You've heard the saying, "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure." You could also say, "A few dollars spent on proper nutrition, high quality supplements and other natural remedies that boost the body's ability to heal itself and maintain good health is better than thousands of dollars spent in a hospital (sometimes in one day), on drugs and visiting doctors.

I have already heard horror stories of people unable to actually get medical care (with insurance), being sent home from hospitals without really being ready because of staffing issues, and of health care deductibles that are financially handicapping families, especially big families.

I have never been a conspiracy kind of person, but as I look at the government's plan for health care, their approval of drugs and vaccines that have not been properly tested or are known to cause serious health problems, and their limited restrictions on pesticides, GMO foods and other toxins, I begin to wonder what is really going on.

Do politicians, the FDA and the pharmaceutical companies really have the well being of Americans on the top of their priority list, or is it largely about power, money and control? Is there an actual plan to make the American people sick, financially poor and uneducated (the TV is many Americans' primary source for "education") so some group can take over or at least control the masses? Is this really very different than what happened in Germany before WWII?

What are your thoughts? What are you doing to be sure your family can withstand this healthcare storm?

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