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Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Regaining Hope and Health

One thing that I love about sharing natural remedies with people is the hope that I see in their eyes and on their faces as they learn that whole foods heal, therapeutic essential oils assist the cells of the body and have been known to reverse illness and disease, and positive thinking can lead to a brighter future.

Tonight was my third time sharing natural healing at the Moon Township library.  Despite subzero temperatures, twelve people attended my presentation tonight and half the group has joined me for the last two weeks to learn about essential oils, Young Living products and natural healing for children. This group inspires me with their eagerness to learn, their willingness to share and the excitement I see in their faces as they absorb new information and believe in a healthier tomorrow.

Natural remedies work. Period. Sometimes we have to turn to medications, but most of the time starting with whole foods, juices, herbs, essential oils will be enough to regain health and even reverse chronic conditions.

I have also been inspired this week by a few stories that were shared with me that I’d like to pass on to you.  Stories like this lift my spirit and fuel my passion to share the healing gifts God has given us in nature.

One woman shared that a family member has kidney cancer and had completely lost all appetite and desire to live. After using Frankincense essential oil and an essential oil blend called Peace & Calming, this person not only started eating again, but agreed to go out to eat at a restaurant and was taking an interest in life again.
Another woman shared her personal protocol for depression. This protocol was shared at a Young Living conference and she started using it with great success. She uses Valor on her wrists, Joy on her heart, Harmony on her solar plexus (stomach) and White Angelica over her head and shoulders and lightly down the body. She states that this works better than Prozac and smells great too! She says it keeps her centered all day.

Have natural remedies given you hope? How have they blessed your life?

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