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Thursday, January 16, 2014

Exceeding Expectations

Yesterday, I ran into a young college student that I have known since he was a child.  He was dressed in a suit and I asked him what the special occasion was.  He stated that he had attended a Student Government meeting. I happen to know he is Student Government President and he was most likely leading the meeting. Even so, college students are not typically known for dressing up for much of anything. Since that encounter, I have been thinking about his choice quite a bit.
How would his dressing in a suit make a difference in his meeting? Would he feel more professional? Would his peers tend to take him more seriously? Would it communicate that he takes his responsibilities seriously? Would he impress others, like me, who take notice of his choice and are impressed by the way he carries himself? Does he exceed the expectations that others may have of him in his role as a leader?

Today, I received an email from a hotel that I am considering doing business with for a large event. While I had received many voice messages and quick responses from other hotels with a name and phone number to call back, this hotel employee sent me a proposal, detailed information and a note of personal concern and a desire to be helpful. This young woman exceeded my expectations, the effort from any other hotel, and is now my favorite option for our event.

How often do I exceed the expectations of others? Do I take the time to write a more personal note in a birthday card? Do I add a little extra information to a customer's order so the person using the product will have a few more suggestions on how to use that product? Do I go to the trouble while answering an email to include the link to a website instead of just referencing that website?

There are so many ways we can live above our own expectations. I find that by making my bed every morning, I am creating a choice for order and neatness that may not seem that important. After all, no one else sees my bedroom. But it is a choice for excellence that affects my own philosophy or view of myself, my perception of my world.

I have so many chances each day to go the extra mile, to pull myself up to a higher level of functioning or to see myself as successful by acting the part until reality catches up. I feel better about myself, about my choices and about my ability to meet the needs of others.

What do you do to exceed expectations? How have you seen others exceed your expectations?

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