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Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Conference Gems with Shannon Hudson

Our conference with Shannon Hudson was an incredible opportunity to learn more about the body and its priorities for healing. Throughout the conference, we were reminded by Shannon and Dr. Bulow that the body has the incredible ability to heal itself if it is given the right materials and it can absorb them. With over 15 trillion cells in the body, and over 200,000 activities happening in each cell every minute, the body is truly a masterpiece.

When we view the body this way, then we begin to understand why it is so important to give the body whole foods, an adequate supply of water and the nutrients, minerals and other raw materials that it needs to do its job most effectively. We need greater levels of oxygen, and we need to remove the toxins that build up in the cells and impair the cell's ability to function properly. Essential oils are especially effective because they enter the cells easily bringing oxygen, nutrients and then helping to remove toxins from the cells.

I certainly can't summarize an entire conference in one blog post, but here are a few of the gems that I took away from our conference:

One drop of peppermint oil has 4 million trillion molecules - enough for every cell of the body. This is why the oils are so effective and potent, yet because Young Living's oils are completely pure, raw and living, the body knows exactly how to utilize this power effectively.

Cataract surgery is the #1 surgery in our country. Your eyes have the highest concentration of Vitamin C in the body. When Vitamin C is low, eye health diminishes. Saturate your body with high quality, super micronized Vitamin C and cataracts very often go away. One ounce of NingXia Red has massive antioxidant SOD, carotenoids in proper balance, zeaxanthin & Lutein and very high levels of Vitamin C. Young Living's Super C is super micronized and easily absorbable by the cells.

Several people in Michigan who are suffering from dementia & Alzheimer's have seen incredible results by simply adding an avocado every day to their diet. The brain is 90% fat and needs good healthy fats to function properly. Young Living's OmegaGize is an extremely powerful form of Omega 3 oils, as well as CoQ10 (which stretches the life of each cell), and Vitamin D. Coconut oil is also a healthy oil for the brain.

Parkinsons patients have seen incredible results in just days by taking 4 tablespoons every day of a high quality coconut oil (organic, unfiltered, cold pressed). If it is that easy to get results, what do you have to lose?

We were reminded that the body does not make substances that are unnecessary, such as cholesterol, steroids, estrogen. If cholesterol levels are high, then look for the reason the liver is making cholesterol. If veins and arteries are getting stiff, then cholesterol is needed to protect us from "busting a vein" literally. Sulfurzyme is huge for helping arteries regain their flexibility so that cholesterol is no longer needed to protect our vessels from leaking. Cholesterol is needed by the body for 5000 other reasons, so trying to stop its production creates problems elsewhere in the body, i.e. liver, hormones, etc. Instead of turning immediately to drugs which have serious side effects, try making changes to the diet, getting more exercise, drinking more water, removing toxins from your environment and foods.

Did you know that mucus is created in the body to keep moisture in as the body is dehydrating? Drinking plain purified water when you are getting sick will allow your body reduce this mucus.

Adrenal glands secret RT3 to minimize stress in the body. We live in a world of high alert, so our adrenal glands are overtaxed. Adrenal fatigue leads to poor sleep, depression, anxiety and more. Idaho Balsam Fir has been found to be extremely effective in lowering cortisol levels within minutes. It was suggested to put a drop or two under your tongue when stressed.

Endoflex and Lemon essential oils have been found to be very effective for depression. Users found that dropping it under the tongue six times a day, was a huge help in lifting depression. 

As always, if you are on medication, talk to your doctor before making any changes. Others have found that by adding natural remedies, they are able to lower and even eliminate their medications with their doctors assistance. If your doctor won't support your use of natural remedies, you may want to find a doctor who will.

I'd love to know if anyone who attended the conference has other gems they would like to share.
Comments in April are eligible to win a Young Living Ocotea or Blue Spruce oil. 

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