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Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Brain Health Essentials

I was looking over some notes from a conference I attended in Michigan over a year ago on brain health.  Since we are seeing increases in Alzheimer's, dementia, austism, depression, mental illnesses and many other brain related health challenges, I thought the topic was worth revisiting.

The brain is, of course, the command center of the body. It is made up of 80% water and 60% fat (by weight) which is why it is so important to stay hydrated (half your body weight in ounces of water a day) and to get plenty of good fats (found in high quality, organic flax seeds, avocado, coconut oil, olive oil). Excess weight and body fat cause problems for the brain. One saying shared with us was, "The larger the waist, the smaller the brain." The brain uses 20-30% of our calories, 20% of our oxygen and is only 2% of our total body weight. Interesting facts.

Keeping the brain healthy has more to do with diet, removing toxins from the environment (body), and keeping neurotransmitters communicating well. The speaker I was listening to mentioned that at a recent medical conference, scientists were sharing that they now believe that genetics only accounts for about 10% of brain health with habits accounting for 90%. Doctors and scientists at this conference also mentioned that they are seeing brain damage 30-40 years earlier than they use to (Alzheimer's, dementia, MS, mental illnesses). 

Some key substances that are linked to reduced brain health? 
  1. Aspartame, which is found in over 9000 products, allows too much calcium in the brain
  2. Alcohol, which poisons the brain
  3. Vaccines, which deposit heavy metals, such as mercury, into the cells of the body
  4. Petroleum products, such as hair sprays, chemicals in shampoos, and many other products
  5. MSG, which has over 50 different names on food labels
  6. Pollution of air, water, noise and more

What can you do to improve brain health?
1) Hydrate the brain with water & minerals (lemon, Alkalime, Mineral Essence are great for keeping pH of water alkaline), 2) Feed the brain healthy whole foods, 3) Scavenge free radicals (NingXia Red & Longevity capsules are great for this), 4) Detoxify the body, 5) Exercise, 6) Improve oxygen flow to the brain, 7) Take care of brain injuries.

Essential oils have been proven to be especially good for the brain because many can pass beyond the blood brain barrier into the brain where they help to clean off receptor sites, deprogram wrong information from cellular memory stored in the DNA, and reprogram miswritten information to repair DNA.* Essential oils bring oxygen to the cells, make nutrients and minerals more absorbable by the cells, and help remove toxins from the cells. 
A few oils especially good for the brain are: Brain Power, Cedarwood, Clarity, Vetiver, and Frankincense. 

Have you ever felt like you were walking around in a brain fog? What natural remedies do you find helpful for improving brain function?


  1. Do they sell this in bulk?

  2. I have a frankincense resin burner from Young Living. I have it on every morning when I'm home. helps with focusing , grounding,clarity.. and the resin as a very long time! Loveit! I also use brain power in another natural supplement with minerals... lot of our issues are a lack of minerals too.

    1. Thanks, Kathy, for sharing those ideas. I will have to try the Frankincense burner some time. I do like how it smells too.


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