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Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Essential Oils with Children

I have a treat for you today! I have a video to share with you that I believe will give you a new perspective on using natural remedies with your children and grandchildren.

I wish I could put the video on this blog, but it is too large a file, even if it is only 3 minutes long. ( Please take a minute to view the video and then let me know what you think of it. I may be biased, since these are my grandsons, but I believe this video is very well done.

Small children only know what we tell them and share with them. As we use natural remedies and encourage them to try new vegetables, fruits and wholesome foods, their natural curiosity will attract them to follow our lead. I have even bought my grandsons' books that encourage a love for fruits, vegetables and other healthy treats. Edmond's favorite book has been Green Smoothie Magic.

My grandsons are healthy, active and full of life. They don't turn their noses up at kale, cauliflower or cucumbers. They love to have oils rubbed on their feet, hands, ears, and stomachs. They ask daily for their Mightyvites (children's vitamins) and Mightyzymes (children's enzyme supplement) which are made of the highest quality living ingredients by Young Living.

Recently, my son was experiencing discomfort. Here's what my daughter-in-law shared:
Last night Jonathan was (experiencing discomfort) and was laying in bed. Edmond was pretty concerned about him and said "daddy you NEED oiys!" After praying over him he insisted on helping me administer the oils onto Jonathan's back, neck, temples, and forehead. I love that Edmond can help me use the oils because they are completely safe for him, which gives me one less thing to worry about-being chemical free is so freeing!
So if you haven't yet introduced your young ones to some healthier options, why not go back through my blog and find a few smoothie recipes to share with them. Order your Everyday Oils kit and begin using these incredible healing agents with your family. I know you will be as blessed as my family has been. I am here to help you with your order (My Young Living ID#1196107) or with any questions you may have.

Enjoy this spring weather, new growth and the chance to embrace your journey to a healthier today and, for our future generations, a healthier tomorrow.

What natural remedies do you use with your young 'ins? I'd love to know what you thought of the video and to have you share your ideas in the comments below. 

Remember, comments in April could win you an Idaho Blue Spruce or Ocotea essential oil on May 1.


  1. Great video Susie! You're right-very well done! I use tons of oils on my kids too, though they are a little older. We were just diffusing Thieves in one of their rooms as he is dealing with a sinus problem. I use the allerzyme for my middle son and I know it helps him. Finally, using the Raindrop Technique on my oldest is proving to be an amazing help for his back with scoliosis. Best of all, it has led to discussions on why we should be using natural products instead of chemicals to heal our bodies.

    1. Hi Jennifer. Sorry I missed you last night.
      Would you let me know how this works on your son's scoliosis. I have that condition as well but not sure it would help someone my age but still interested in case any of my girls get it.

    2. Cynthia, it is working! Why don't you email me and I can tell you more.

  2. The video is great. What a beautiful family!


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