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Thursday, April 10, 2014

Garden Therapy for Body and Soul

This time of year, I feel myself coming alive with each chirp and bird song, with each blade of tulip that pokes through the earth and each crocus that unfurls in the morning light. New birth is all around us, and in me too.

I am itching to get out into my gardens, to pull the weeds and hoe the dirt, to keep pesky critters from invading, and to nurture the plants that I want to see blossom. This is such a great analogy for life, isn't it. Each day we are faced with choices to view ourselves in a new light, to pull the weeds of unhealthy patterns and ways of relating, to hoe our minds and uproot negativity and pessimism, and to guard our lives from those who would, intentionally or unintentionally, sabotage our efforts, be it the evening news, a coworker or even a friend.

As I enjoy the flowers blooming in my garden already, I experience the delight of a little child. The colors, delicate beauty and testimony that life really does follow the barren winter, speaks to my soul. As I "play in the dirt", pulling dead plants from last year and new weeds that are getting an early start, adding some new plants, I am boosting the negative ions in my body (see post on earthing). This really does help bring my energy back into balance and creates a healthier frequency in my body.

I have been blessed lately by my Young Living team which surprised me on Monday night with two new pots of plants that are gorgeous. I am enjoying them inside at the moment, but will put them in my garden very soon. I am grateful for friendships and work relationships that nurture me and call out the best in me. It is good to surround yourself with people that are positive, affirming, and life giving. Do those you spend the most time with want your best? Do they make you smile, laugh and appreciate each day, even the challenges? Do they believe in you and in your potential for great contributions? You are an incredible creation of a loving God and others should be affirming this in you.

As we move toward planting our veggies and greens, you may want to learn about a practice called Seed Sharing. Check out this video to learn more about the practice. If you live in the Pittsburgh area, a woman named MaryBeth is offering opportunities to do seed sharing. Contact her at

There is a poem that I taught my kids years ago and it has remained a favorite:

My Garden by Thomas Edward Brown

My garden is a lovesome thing , God wot!
Rose plot,
Fringed pool,
Ferned grot -
The veriest school
Of peace, and yet the fool
Contends that God is not - 
Not God! In gardens! when the eve is cool?
Nay, but I have a sign; 
'Tis very sure God walks in mine.

What are your plans for "getting dirty"?
Do you have any spring observations that you'd like to share?


  1. Going out into the garden sans shoes on my feet is one of my favorite things to do. Excepting taking my little ones out with me to do the same!
    I love all the things you mentioned above about spring but I have to say my favorite spring event is hearing the peepers (that's what we call them) starting to croak. It is true music to my ears. And when I hear them - I KNOW that it is warming up!

  2. Susie
    Thank you for sharing that poem. As I sit on my balcony and enjoy the sounds of spring it is so inspiring to be reminded that God is the creator of it all!

  3. I love rain on my tent in the woods, the sound of crickets and birds chirping in the early morning, so I am sure I would love the peepers, Cynthia. Someday I hope to have a balcony too, Cat Sim.


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