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Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Grounding, Earthing and Ion Balancing

I had never given much thought to the fact that my body holds an electrical charge and is affected by the electrical devices all around me. I am around computers, electrical lights, electronic devices, cell phones and appliances all day long. Even at night, most of us sleep about 6 inches from an electrical plug. These energy fields affect the body. 

Most of us don't realize how this disruption of energy, and change in frequency, can affect our health, but it can affect biorhythms, circulation, heart, thyroid, inflammation levels, even our immune system. 

One simple way to rebalance the body is to do what is referred to as "grounding" or "earthing". This is a fancy way of saying, putting the human body in direct contact with the earth. This can take place by walking barefoot in the grass or on a beach, gardening and getting hands and knees in the soil. 
"Grounding, Mema!"
The earth is covered with negative ions. As we touch the earth, the negative ions are brought into the body and help balance out our overcharged cells. Earthing seems to have a major roll to play in reducing inflammation. The body uses reactive oxygen species or ROS to kill bacteria at the site of an injury. ROS, while good, are also very reactive biochemically and can damage healthy tissues. ROS are usually positively charged molecules and need to be neutralized immediately to prevent them from diffusing into healthy tissues. Earthing helps with this process.

"The Earth is a natural source of electrons and subtle electrical fields, which are essential for proper functioning of immune systems, circulation, synchronization of biorhythms and other physiological processes and may actually be the most effective, essential, least expensive, and easiest to attain antioxidant."

While I was in Florida, I had the chance to walk on the beach and in the water for about 15 minutes. Later that day, I noticed a big difference in the softness of the skin on my face. It was almost startling. I could not attribute it to anything else, except having been on the beach for that short amount of time. 

Dr. Mercola has a fascinating video on this subject and shows how you can actually measure your own body's response to charges in your home. Suggestions are given for lowering the body's electrical charge. 

Just an FYI, some equipment uses microwaves and radio waves, such as cell phones, and this is a more complicated discussion. It has been suggested that we try to keep our cell phones at least an inch to two from our head. Using a headset or texting (not while driving) can help with this. 

What have you heard about earthing? Do you notice a difference when you take time to ground?


  1. I've been "earthing" for about 2 years now. I got the earthing bed (you can get just a cover sheet for your current bed) and everyone fights to be next to me on it. It makes you feel better, sleep great, and those minor after-50 aches and pains - gone! I highly recommend it.

    1. Can you explain the earthing bed a bit? I've never heard of this but am interested to learn. It sounds wonderful.


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