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Saturday, March 15, 2014

Essential Oils Promote Emotional Well Being

When I first learned about Young Living essential oils, I found myself scoffing at the names of some of the oils, Joy, Hope, Harmony, Trauma Life, Forgiveness, Acceptance, Release... Sure, I thought, just dab a little Joy oil on and your life is suddenly roses. Has anyone else had these thoughts?

After using the oils for over three years, and learning more about the wonder of the human body, I realize I was initially a bit short sighted.

Our emotions are a part of our body. I had never given any thought to what emotions are or where they are stored. My emotions are not kept in my dresser drawer, in my pocket or in my purse. They are not the same as a thought, primarily located in the
brain. Emotions fill our being, affect our muscle tension, alter our breathing and can influence the quality of our health. Emotions are basically chemical reactions in our cells. They contain energy, whether light and uplifting or heavy and depressing.

Because emotions are a part of us on a cellular level, essential oils work incredibly well when it comes to balancing emotions and influencing emotional well being. Many essential oils travel easily right into the limbic area of the brain, the seat of our emotions, and impact our mood, influence our heart rate, blood pressure, memory, and more.

There are a few oils that have been especially helpful to me and when I forget to use them for a few days, I notice a big difference. Here are a few of my favorites:

Release - is a blend of 5 oils and is formulated to help stimulate peace and harmony. It is useful for opening the unconscious mind to release repressed emotions, especially anger, and negative memories. It can be rubbed right over the liver area (under the rib cage on the right side of the body). You can also diffuse it or just rub a drop of two in the palms of your hands, cup your hands over your nose and breath deeply.

Acceptance - I rub acceptance oil over my heart each evening before I go to bed. I thank God for all the things I am grateful for, do a bit of reflection to see where I might improve my efforts and then accept myself and my circumstances as they are, determined to give God glory in all things. I find this oils brings about peace in me and for some reason I am very drawn to it.

Valor - If you are looking for courage, strength and balance, this is the oil to try. I use it on my feet every morning and evening to help balance my energy, align my back and give me the focus I need to meet whatever challenges might be coming that day. After rubbing it on my feet, I will bend over and touch my toes and often my back will do a bit of popping as muscles relax and bones realign. I have heard that it causes the muscle and tendons to relax so the bones can be more easily aligned, and so this is a great oil to use before any kind of chiropractic adjustment (and one reason it is referred to as "chiropractor in a bottle").

Joy - OK, so this blend is really Joy in a bottle. I love wearing it over my heart and on my neck for perfume. It is so fresh and lovely that I can't help but smile when I put it on. It has been helpful to those experiencing depression or negativity.

What essential oils have you used to help balance your emotions? How do you apply it?

And Happy Second Birthday to my best buddy, Edmond! Hope your day at the zoo was fun.


  1. Very interesting post. We don't really deal much with emotions in our society. We just take them out on everybody else!

  2. Very nice article! Thanks Susie.


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