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Friday, March 28, 2014

So What's On Your Mind?

I am curious about what you have been learning, trying, or have questions about. Today is your day to post and get the conversation started. Don't forget, these comments will earn you a chance to win a bottle of Young Living DiGize or Purification oil (your choice) to be given away on April 1. 

So, what's on your mind?


  1. I've been attempting baby steps toward better health. I'm the type of person that things they have to do everything and consequently I become overwhelmed and do nothing so the main thing I learned this week (because I experienced success) was it's OK to take one step at a time. My step the last 10 days was to drink 2 quarts of water per day. I normally drink 1/2 cup to 3 cups if I'm lucky and I don't drink anything but water! I managed to drink 10 glasses of water daily for the last 10 days with no problems which I did not expect at all. Today starts eating 21 salads within 7-10 days (that includes fruit salad).

    1. What a great step and an encouragement to me. I have been finding that I just don't think to drink my water until I realize it is 5:00 and I have only had two or three glasses. Then I drink a bunch and have to get up in the middle of the night. So, my goal is to say I can't eat my next meal until I have had a least one large glass of water. Trying... Good job, Cynthia. If you have a favorite salad recipe, let me know.

  2. My favorite salad recipe is a mix of lettuces, soil sprouts, grated cheese, white beans, tomatoes, peppers, and onions with a not so good for you mayonnaise and salsa mix dressing. I do buy non canola mayonnaise but still...You did ask for my favorite.

    1. Cynthia, that sounds delicious. I had a great salad tonight and am going to post it today (Monday). I will refer people to your recipe too. Thanks!


I love to hear from my readers and learn from you too. Thanks for taking the time to share.