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Thursday, March 20, 2014

Primary and Secondary Diets for Weight Loss

Did you know that we have a primary and a secondary diet? Did you know that if our primary diet is not fulfilling, then we turn to our secondary diet to compensate? If I could share a way for you to refocus your energy so you could lose more weight, enjoy life more and experience greater satisfaction, would you be interested?

If you spend more time focusing on your primary diet, your emotional eating will decrease, you will turn to food less often to meet your needs and you will experience a more profound happiness.
So what is this primary diet?

Your primary diet consists of the relationships in your life, your acts of service, your sense of purpose and belonging, your attitude and ability to be grateful and positive. When people feel appreciated, connected, needed and loved, they tend to turn to food less often to meet their emotional needs.

How often do you find yourself going to the refrigerator because you feel lonely, bored, frustrated, upset or a host of other emotions? I know I still struggle with this sometimes. The days I feel the most disconnected or concerned about the future are the days I most want to eat something crunchy, chocolate, or bready. These give me a quick buzz, but then I am left feeling lower than before. This can create a vicious cycle that leads to weight gain, swinging blood sugar, aches and pains and lowered self-confidence.

Our secondary diet is the food we eat, our proteins, fats, carbohydrates. This diet is suppose to nourish our cells so we will have a strong immune system and all the benefits of a healthy body. Food really does not have the power to love us, hold us, care for us or meet the emotional needs that can only be met by meaningful relationships and interactions.

So if you think you'd like to get healthier this spring and lose weight, why not telephone a positive, uplifting friend and go out for a chat, volunteer your services to others in need, listen to self-development audios that will challenge you to be all you can be. Get involved in activities that are meaningful for you. Watching others live out their lives on TV is no substitute for living your own life large and in color. Balancing time with others and time alone, time for work and time for relaxation, time for self and time serving others, is key.

Do you have any ideas for enhancing your primary diet?

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