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Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Surprising Natural Remedies

Sometimes we are surprised by remedies that work when we don't expect them to. We may not see the logic in the choice of product or in the results we are told to expect.
Here are a few fun examples of remedies that might take you by surprise.

Ring Worm
My grandson has ringworm on his neck. They live in the woods and are always outdoors. It was bound to happen. Using Purification and Oregano, his mom is treating it throughout the day, usually putting two drops on location three or four times a day. Here is what she has to say on day 7:
We had a busy weekend and didn't have time to post but here is day 7. Almost gone, it's fading more and more each day. I put some oils on every time Edmond seems to be bothered by it or says it itches. (See the whole progression and other great testimonies for kids on Facebook, "Young Living with Kristen").

Oil Pulling
An example of an unexpected remedy for me is oil pulling. Using coconut oil in the mouth, swishing it around for 20 minutes and then spitting it into a garbage can (never down a drain) seems a bit unusual. But I have read many testimonies that oil pulling helps eliminate bacteria in the mouth, improves gums and whitens teeth. Just 2 tsp of oil is all that is needed. What could be easier?

Cold Sore
One woman shared that she had a cold sore developing and all she had with her was lavender oil. She put a drop on her finger and rubbed it on the cold sore and within a short period of time, the cold sore was gone. She was surprised as lavender did not seem like the "right" oil for this problem.
Flower Oil Helps Allergies?
Who would think that using the essential oil of a flower would help with spring allergies? Inconceivable! Yet here is one of many testimonies that YL Lavender oil does the trick:
Good Bye Allergies: Spring is bursting forth here causing my eyes to itch and water and my nose to run like crazy. Mid morning I put some lavender behind my ears and under my eyes on my check bones. Now I am sitting outside with my boys feeling great and am not having any more allergy issues. Thanks YL Lavender!
Leg Cramps
I may have already posted this, but one woman was surprised that when she put Purification on a leg cramp in the middle of the night, thinking it was PanAway, the cramp released within a few minutes. She repeated this same treatment another night and again her cramp went away in minutes. That purification would be used for cramps was unexpected and surprised all of us.

Have you tried any of these remedies?  Is there an unusual natural remedy that you are surprised by?

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