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Sunday, March 2, 2014

Blessings Flow When God Leads the Way

The journey is never dull when we follow God's plan for our lives. He leads gently, always inviting us to try something new, to transform our thoughts, to receive more love, to step out of the boat. 

For me, leaving my full-time job to share natural healing, specifically Young Living products, full-time was in response to this exact call to "step out of the boat". What an exciting journey it has been. I have been called to trust, stretched at times, but always provided for. It has truly been an invitation to put my confidence in God alone.

Recently I enjoyed meeting a group of eleven women in Florida who wanted to know more about essential oils. I met a wonderful woman on the plane ride home who was so excited that she joined my team before we arrived back in Pittsburgh (welcome Linda!). 

I have been privileged to learn of countless healings, both from use of the oils and prayer. I have been invited to speak at numerous libraries in the area and have watched the excitement on the faces of audience members who are astonished and grateful at what they are learning. I have three groups of distributors who are eager to learn the Raindrop technique and will be learning it this month. What joy for me to follow God's plan and meet so many wonderful people and experience such hope and healing.

One blessing that I have recently experienced is being invited to speak monthly on Dr. Dennis Courtney's radio program. The interview takes place over the phone and is then uploaded to YouTube. Unfortunately, my first two interviews were not able to be posted to YouTube due to some technical difficulties. Last Monday was my third interview. 

Would you continue to bless me by listening to the radio show (about 45 minutes) and giving me some feedback. As I share regularly on the air, I want to be as clear and helpful as possible. One family member already mentioned that I have a few words I use as fillers ("basically", "you know", "again") and so I will be working on reducing these words in future shows. It would be such a blessing to me to have more "windows" into my delivery. Click here to listen in (my interview starts around 18:20, so you'll have to pull the bar back to hear the whole interview) and post your comment below.  If you think it is helpful, you might want to forward the broadcast to anyone you want to share essential oils with. 

Lastly, I appreciate all of you who read my blog, leave me encouraging or constructive comments and allow me to share my journey and joys. Thank you!

How has God been leading and blessing you? Where is your adventure getting exciting?

1 comment:

  1. Hi Susie.
    I listened to your interview and aside from the things already mentioned I don't have any other suggestions. I think that you have a great, authoritative sounding voice and find it hard to picture the little gal that visits my market table in little old Steubenville when listening. I'd swear she was a major player in the media. Well, maybe you are now, I don't know but I just have to say, good job!


I love to hear from my readers and learn from you too. Thanks for taking the time to share.