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Monday, March 3, 2014

Gluten Free Recipes from "Clean"

I recently listened to the audio version of the book Clean Gut, read by the author, Dr. Alejandro Junger.
The book was fascinating and very thought provoking. Dr. Junger discusses the environment, or civilization, that lives in the gut and all the ways that we are damaging or killing off the good guys in our gut. He explains things in an easy to understand, yet scientifically rich manner. He also has a wonderful eastern European accent that I love to listen to.

My mother listened to a talk by J.J.Virgin during the Gluten Summit in November and bought her book, The Virgin Diet. It seems she is promoting a 21 day cleanse that is very similar to the 21 day cleanse that Dr. Junger recommends. This may be another resource for you to check out.

Both of these diets are designed to remove all the major triggers from the diet for 21 days. It is recommended that you keep a journal to record how you feel before you begin, during the cleanse, after the cleanse and as you reintroduce specific foods into the diet.  Dr. Junger is a firm believer that every person is unique and your own body will tell you what it needs. He has amazing stories of healing that have occurred for people by simply removing their own food triggers, stories of healing from inflammation, mental health disorders and chronic disease. 

If changing your diet, while still enjoying a wealth of colorful, nutritious and delicious foods, could revolutionize your health, would you be willing to try it? I have decided that my lenten journey this year will involve this 21 day cleanse and offering up all the "inconvenience" or "sacrifice" for the needs of others. I hope this helps me to feel even better than I do, but also helps me to detach a bit more from the "idols" in my life and shift my focus to serving and thinking about others more.

You can subscribe to a recipe a week that can help you with this journey. I have included one of the recipes below (which I adapted slightly). You can see more of the recipes with photos, testimonies, and subscribe to the weekly recipe at

No Bake Almond Butter Squares
1 cup cashew meal (finely ground cashews)
1 cup almond butter
1 cup coconut flour
1/4 cup maca powder
1/4 teaspoon sea salt
1/4 cup coconut oil (liquid state)
1 teaspoon vanilla or 1/4 tsp vanilla powder
3 large eggs*

In a large bowl mix all ingredients, dry first, then add the liquid. The coconut oil should be in liquid form (heat on low if needed). If the mixture looks too dry and crumbly, you can always melt and add more coconut oil. Mix until it just barely sticks together, not crumbly but not too wet. Line an 8×8 square dish with a sheet of parchment paper and evenly press the mixture down, up to all edges.  Cut the squares into whatever size you want and place in the freezer for 20 minutes or until nice and firm. Store in the refrigerator or freezer for about two weeks for best flavor. This is a great energy snack for on the go. Enjoy!

*Consuming raw or undercooked meats, poultry, seafood, shellfish, or eggs may increase your risk of foodborne illness, especially if you have a medical condition. If unsure, please consult your primary care physician. 

I used free range, organic eggs and washed the outside of the shell with Thieves foaming soap before cracking the eggs.


  1. Hi Susie, I just thought that if someone was concerned about using raw eggs in this recipe, they could use a flax egg, which is a replacement.

  2. I have a few friends with Celiac issues and am going to share your blog with them. Thank you!

    1. Thanks, Rosa. I hope that what I have to share and the conversations here are helpful to them.


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