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Sunday, March 16, 2014

Inspired by Abraham

One of the readings in church today was about Abraham being called by God, and I found myself pondering some of the similarities of this story to my own life. 

Abraham was called to leave everything and go to a new land. Abraham was a nobody special, from an insignificant town and he certainly did not have the credentials to be the leader of a great family. He didn't even have any kids!

Abraham did not have a map, a GPS or any indication of the real estate values in that part of the world. He probably had to listen to lots of criticism, skeptism and concerns as he shared his call with others. Some may have tried to talk him out of going. It may be that his calling made them uncomfortable. Were they embracing God's invitation in their own lives?  

As we know, Abraham had to wait a while to see God's blessings unfold. He had to live each ordinary day in faithfulness, journeying day by day toward the promise. There may have been weeks and months when he wondered when something dramatic was going to happen and the promises would begin to be visible. He persevered though, and became the father of a nation.

Can you relate to Abraham at times? Do you find yourself trying to follow God's direction in your life with seemingly ordinary results? Does it seem as if God's promises are delayed?

I am a nobody famous, from an insignificant town, trying to follow the call of God in my life to share His love and natural healing with others. Most days seem pretty ordinary; I talk with a few people, order a few products, write my blog for the day and continue to learn new skills. However, like Abraham, I know that my small, seemingly insignificant positive choices made moment by moment consistently over time will compound into something dramatic. I can help transform our culture of pain and suffering to one of vibrant health, one person at a time.

So hang in there. Keep making good choices, speaking positive messages to yourself, declaring God's promises, using natural products consistently, make good food choices, and you will see remarkable results in your life.  

What are some of the day to day positive actions that you are taking? Have you seen past choices compound for you in a way that can encourage us?
Share your comment and you can win on April 1!

1 comment:

  1. What???Life without GPS.
    God does work in mysterious ways.


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