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Saturday, March 29, 2014

"Mommy, I have a tummy ache"

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Growing up I remember some of my favorite commercials were for Alka Seltzer. Of course, as a child I really didn't need anything for indigestion or heart burn. Today, though, I still think of them fondly, because of good marketing.

Does anyone else remember?  "Plop, plop...fizz, fizz... Oh, what a relief it is!"
And, "I can't believe I ate the whoooooole thing!"

Indigestion, gas, bloating, diarrhea, gird, acid reflux, heart burn...we have many names for what happens when you eat too much and combine too many different foods. Add to that the rise in gluten and dairy intolerance, and the lack of enzymes in our foods, the increase in pesticides and chemicals that are designed to cause an insect's stomach to explode, and experiencing stomach discomfort is almost a given. It can be a bit embarrassing too when you suddenly realize you are about to "cause a stink".

Of course, indigestion and gas are not mandatory. Eating a more whole food diet and more organic foods, doing a colon cleanse and using natural remedies that aid digestion and reduce discomfort are all effective solutions. Adding a quality enzyme supplement and probiotics can also be effective for better digestion and elimination (see previous post).

My daughter-in-law was sharing on Facebook, that she made a tummy rub for my grandson. She mixed two drops of DiGize oil (good for indigestion, IBS, parasites) in 1 Tbsp of coconut oil and put it in a small container. You can get these containers from Abundant Health online. She just rubbed a small amount of the mixture on his stomach and he felt better in no time.

A woman with a colicky baby came by my house last week to get something to try. I gave her 2 tsp. of Young Living's V6 oil mixed with 2 drops of DiGize. This helped ease the baby's colic almost instantly and my goodness, you can't get any cheaper (and healthier) than that.

For an adult, you can rub 2 drops of DiGize oil "neat" (that is straight out of the bottle) right onto your stomach. Peppermint and fennel are also good topically. You can put a drop or two of these oils in water and drink them and this will encourage digestion and discouraging indigestion.

Ginger is great for aiding digestion. You can make a ginger tea by just adding fresh ginger slices to hot water. You could add a squirt of honey or agave nectar if you wanted, although I love it unsweetened.

Papaya has natural enzymes and a family member use to give me papaya tablets to suck on after a heavy meal.

So what do you use to aid digestion, eliminate gas and get comfortable again?

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