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Thursday, April 17, 2014

If You Keep Doing What You Did...

I know I make this statement often,
"If you keep doing what you did, you'll keep getting what you got." 
It is such a true statement. One definition of insanity that I learned in my counseling classes and in other workshops is "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." Another way to phrase this is "as you sow, so shall you reap."

If I plant corn seeds, I certainly can't expect to get tomatoes in late August. If I consistently harbor negative thoughts, I probably won't attract many people to want to spend time with me. If I am too busy to take time for meditation, prayer or reflection, then I will probably lack peace and feel very scattered. If I dwell on the past, I will probably have trouble taking advantage of all the opportunities in the present. If I consistently eat foods that I know trigger acid, indigestion or inflammation, then my health is not going to improve.

This is one reason why diets just don't work. Sure, I may be able to get the weight off by changing what I eat and restricting my calories, but as soon as I go back to what I had been doing, I am going to return to my pre-diet weight and health.

Remember another of my favorite sayings from Darren Hardy?
"Small, seemingly insignificant, moment to moment choices consistently chosen over time, yield big results."
So maybe the real insanity is not making the small choices that could be so simple, choices like:

  • Smiling more often throughout the day to improve my interactions with others. 
  • Adding something healthier to my diet and removing something that triggers problems in my body. 
  • Starting each day with 10 minutes of prayer or meditation. 
  • Listening to uplifting audio programs in my car as I drive places. 
  • Keeping a gratitude journal to help me focus on the present and be thankful for today's blessings. 

Do any of these seem that difficult? What is one area of your life where you have been living "insanity"? What simple step could you take to begin to bring about change in that area?

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